In Response to Re: help set a world record on sky + poker question time + Anti beat : NOTE BASEBALL BATS CAN ONLY BE USED ON MOTHER IN LAWS FACT ! Posted by IRISHROVER
can u get me 1?
(a baseball bat obviously, I'm already stuck with the mother in law)
the record for most posts stands at 121,234 LET TRY AND SMASH IT just add a piece to the thread add a word from the last post and lets break the world record heres a little comp ....... name the female that tikay would take to a desert island with him ..... see if we can get a little prize for this.....thanks rover......... lets get the numbers up please only post on here if you are happy for me to enter into the agreement to post this record to guinness Posted by ckd
I'm far too scared to join in because it's tantamount to collusion and the moderators are watching our every let's see if they are true to their word and ban everyone who has partaken in such skullduggery.
I really hope they do, then I may get a chance to win a game...oh shhiitt . .. I think I've just got myself banned....bolllicks.
In Response to help set a world record on sky + poker question time + TK WOMEN GUESSES HERE />>> : I'm far too scared to join in because it's tantamount to collusion and the moderators are watching our every let's see if they are true to their word and ban everyone who has partaken in such skullduggery. I really hope they do, then I may get a chance to win a game...oh shhiitt . .. I think I've just got myself banned....bolllicks . Posted by billyboots
if only you could spell you'd be banned in an instant.
In Response to Re: help set a world record on sky + poker question time + TK WOMEN GUESSES HERE />>> : if only you could spell you'd be banned in an instant. Posted by aussie09
inadvertently i increased the world record thread. i posted on the current leaders thread asking them to wait for us to catch up. that added only one more post to their thread but a further nineteen thousand people answered adding their posts saying OK.
I'll let you off this time Ploppy--- just watch it!! Posted by oynutter
Whilst threatening to bash my mother in law in with a baseball bat I was confronted by this!!! (i might of inadvertantly mentioned the x......m.......?....s word)
We are doing about 80 posts a day on this thread, so by my reckoning we should reach the current world record by october 2014 and then the world record will be 2million and we will be trying for another 10 years lol - well thats my contribution to the record attempt - see you in 4 years lol.
We are doing about 80 posts a day on this thread, so by my reckoning we should reach the current world record by october 2014 and then the world record will be 2million and we will be trying for another 10 years lol - well thats my contribution to the record attempt - see you in 4 years lol. Posted by loonytoons
soz can u post that again m8y i didn't quiet get it lol ! Ahhhhhhh, the sweet memories of a childhood revisited. I love this thread for it's creativity. It takes dedication. That's what you need. Ahhhhhhh, the sweet memories of a childhood revisited. I love this thread for it's creativity. It takes dedication. That's what you need. Posted by shelski
lol very good , god i remember that i must be old .
Dedication That's what you need If you wanna be the best And you wanna beat the rest Oo-ooh! Dedication's what you need If you wanna be a record breaker And avoid passive smoking..........
(a baseball bat obviously, I'm already stuck with the mother in law)
I really hope they do, then I may get a chance to win a game...oh shhiitt . .. I think I've just got myself banned....bolllicks.
still keep going people this is good fun :P
ckd pull ur finger out!
bless you father !
inadvertently i increased the world record thread. i posted on the current leaders thread asking them to wait for us to catch up. that added only one more post to their thread but a further nineteen thousand people answered adding their posts saying OK.
(i might of inadvertantly mentioned the x......m.......?....s word)
Bit over the top isnt it?
I'm telling my Mum!
soz can u post that again m8y i didn't quiet get it lol !
Ahhhhhhh, the sweet memories of a childhood revisited.
I love this thread for it's creativity.
It takes dedication. That's what you need.
god i remember that i must be old .
You'll need to pick up speed I think.
think that'll fool the World Record mods?