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Over the past weeks I have been concentrating on DYM's trying to build a decent bank roll. Ive had good results in the £2.25 and £3.30's and have just moved to the £5.50's.
I have had 3 sessions at the £5.50's 4 tabling, the 1st session ended 7 buy ins up, 2nd 9 down, 3rd 2 down.
I have been moving up levels when my BR has been 100 buy ins, but haven't set my self a limit at which to drop back down as this hasn't been an issue up to yet.
I know DYM's should be pretty low varience, is an 11 buy in loss over 2 sessions when 4 tabling to much when moving up a level ?
How many buy in's would you usually allow before moving back down a level ?,
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this is sososososoosososososo wrong. the best players at high levls of DYM have a ROI of ~4%
this is a graph of a guy playing solely DYM's in October, obv as he was playing soo many tables for so long his winrate will decrease and thus be more swongy, but still its insane