It's a Bluff if you represent a hand stronger than your own.
whether you get an opponent off trash, or the best hand it's irrelevant if there is any hand that can beat your own and you overbet your hand (at risk) and get an opponent to fold.
In my view a bluff is when you represent a hand bigger than you have So yes it was a bluff by Dohhhhhhh! But its unlikely that Tikay will admit he is wrong so you are flogging a dead horse their Rich!
guys, love the show as always- but would be really nice to see more hands! I mean, in an hour there were about 6/7 hands total shown from the cash tables... you barely get any feel for how the table is going, or anything...
Only speaking personally of course, but I've never tried 25/50 before, and was hoping to get some feedback on how I cope at the limit. I love the idea of the mastercash show, but there really is little point in showing 3 hands at a limit (in my opinion).
As it's a 4 hour show, how about dedicating an hour, or even 45 minutes to a table- rather than 2/3 hours to cash 300? And show more hands during that time- don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the banter but the reason I tune in to mastercash, whether I'm playing or not, is to see the hands
Don't mean to be moaning, I really do love most things about the site and shows!
Another fetish of mine. And I hope you all know what fetish actually means. It ain't all toe-sucking stuff. It's just something you irrationally love;
Spornybol's posts. The man's a comic genius. Consistently abusing whoever he feels like (often himself, or his"misses") in an almost never spelt correctly manner.
Oh, and another thing- I know it turned out to be a good fold, and my gut says it has to be correct, the signs were bad- but is this a good fold over time, is it too tight? Felt fairly sure I was against at least one player with AA or KK. Fun hand to watch anyway!
go on tikay spot the pimple - now as some forum chums know my other half has not been too well with a chest infection ( bigger than 36dd ) and now youngest ( becky ) has stomach bug, that`s why i`ve rearly played poker last couple off days, now i need some help! i usaully do a roast being a sunday 2morrow so can someone let me know how do i cook roast soup ?
My new girlfriend has a strange fetish, or maybe i do. She likes me to dress up in her underwear and model it for her when she first asked me i was a bit concerned however i kinda like it, she likes me to sleep in......certain underwear, is it wrong that i do this? And enjoy it
A list of Richard Orford's favourite things: Game - SPOT the difference TV Feature - Norris on the SPOT Football term - SPOT kick Competition offering - A SPOT prize Posted by Sky_Rudolf
Maybe i should be pleased that you couldnt read that out, slightly dissapointed though. I thinking of making my first appearance at an SPT soon, dont want people thinking im a total weirdo! Especially if i bring my gf
Sad day today , news of the passing of Bernard Mathews. The news has completely knocked the stuffing out of me. You could have knocked me down with a feather when i heard. No suspect of foulplay , so there" is no need to get in a flap. Obviously has a bootiful place to go . His funeral will have all the trimmings . R.I.P Bernard Best Before 25 . 11 .10 He will Be cremated in Norfolk cremetorium next wednesday Gas mark 6 for 3 hours
whether you get an opponent off trash, or the best hand it's irrelevant if there is any hand that can beat your own and you overbet your hand (at risk) and get an opponent to fold.
Only speaking personally of course, but I've never tried 25/50 before, and was hoping to get some feedback on how I cope at the limit. I love the idea of the mastercash show, but there really is little point in showing 3 hands at a limit (in my opinion).
As it's a 4 hour show, how about dedicating an hour, or even 45 minutes to a table- rather than 2/3 hours to cash 300? And show more hands during that time- don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the banter but the reason I tune in to mastercash, whether I'm playing or not, is to see the hands
Don't mean to be moaning, I really do love most things about the site and shows!
Will Richard Orford be number one in 'TOP of the SPOTS'?
My question is, i told gliterbabe in the chatbox i let it go, however against a very active raiser should i have just shoved?
Spornybol's posts. The man's a comic genius. Consistently abusing whoever he feels like (often himself, or his"misses") in an almost never spelt correctly manner.
Sporny FTW!
Please show this hand 312046279 I played it so well!
can`t get nitemare out off head!!!!!!!
First: 7/2/2010
Last: 27/11/2010
tikay in the bath naked
First: 7/2/2010
Last: 27/11/2010
Posted by donkeyplop
no i was doing sky mandy`s and lml back
how about that for a flop!312029976
Dohhhhh turned his hand into a bluff, regardless if he was ahead or not.
This is the hand where somebody won a seat to Santas Christmas Sack tourney 312052140
this ones just for rich lol lol
Joke of the day
Rich goes to the doctor with a giant spot on his forehead
Doctor says when did this start, the spot says it started with a boil on my bum
Boom Boom
There is a picture of Mandy's boots on Lisa-Marie's latest blog
A list of Richard Orford's favourite things:
Game - SPOT the difference
TV Feature - Norris on the SPOT
Football term - SPOT kick
Competition offering - A SPOT prize
The news has completely knocked the stuffing out of me.
You could have knocked me down with a feather when i heard.
No suspect of foul play , so there" is no need to get in a flap.
Obviously has a bootiful place to go .
His funeral will have all the trimmings .
R.I.P Bernard Best Before 25 . 11 .10
He will Be cremated in Norfolk cremetorium next wednesday
Gas mark 6 for 3 hours