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What are the odds on this?
one for the maths fans. Just what the odds of two players making quads?
Hand History #312797042 (00:57 30/11/2010)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepewtSmall blind £0.05£0.05£17.10ParaPokerSBig blind £0.10£0.15£3.60 Your hole cardsQ7 TALLENTFold azzypFold ertikinsRaise £0.40£0.55£26.53pewtCall £0.35£0.90£16.75ParaPokerSAll-in £3.60£4.50£0.00ertikinsFold pewtCall £3.30£7.80£13.45pewtShow55 ParaPokerSShowJJ Flop 3J5 Turn J River 5 ParaPokerSWinFour Jacks£7.21 £7.21
0 ·
hope this helps.
Thin, Mr Ertikins.
So thin, in fact, that I suspect even MereStat cannot work it out, or he'll have replied by now. You know how he loves these geeky maths equations.
Perhaps, as the Americans say, he is "doing the math". (Yuk yuk yuk, their dreadful dumbing down of our beautiful language is just horrible to behold).
That leaves each opponent only 48 cards to make one of the 12 other possible sets of quads. The maths gets very difficult now and I can't work out the odds, but it's going to be even less likely than 1/595. Maybe MereNovice will be able to crack this one.
I would estimate the chance is only 1/500,000, probably even less. Suprisingly though it's not quite as rare as you might think, some other sites run a bad-beat jackpot, to claim it you usually have to lose with quad 8s or better, these jackpots are often won by quads over quads. 312 million hands have been dealt on Sky to date, so quads v quads could have been dealt around 600 times if my estimate isn't too far off.
The probability of a single player making quads (assuming that the hand goes to showdown) in Texas Hold 'Em is:
which is equivalent to odds of 594 to 1.
Now, lets consider what has to happen for two people to get quads assuming that the quads are not shared in the community cards.
At least one player has to have a pocket pair.
The possible hand combinations are:
which represent Player1/Player2/Community
The probability of the fiirst is: 3/51*48/50*3/49*30/1,712,304
The probability of each of the last four is: 3/51*48/50*44/49*10/1,712,304
To get the total probability we add these up.
This gives odds of 803,124 to 1.
Apologies if this isn't very clear.
As always, I'm happy to be corrected.
Based on the following odds.
Chance of having a pocket pair 1 in 16
Chance of 2 pocket pairs on the same table are 1 in 16 X 1 in 16 divided by 5.
Chance of turning PP into quads is 2 in 40 X 1 in 39 with 10 permutations.
Chance of the other PP becoming quads is 2 in 40 X 1 in 39 with 3 permutations.
Which very rough calculations gives me the odds of 1,172,183 to 1.
This is of course making several assumptions like none of the cards being dealt out and the hand going all the way to the river. If i have made any mistakes in theses calculations i am happy to be corrected.
about a million to one.
if i have made any mistakes in these calculations i am happy to be corrected.