Your on the BB in a 6-max 1/2 NLHE cash game with £200 behind and all stacks 100-200 BBs. UTG raises to £6 and is called from the button and the look down and see 9c-9s..........wats your move?
Please only explain reasoning for this move, as we will develop further streets during the week
I voted to call (set mine), but I'm not a cash player.
Folding is bad obviously. A re-raise may be good on some tables, but I would expect the UTG opener to be quite strong and I'd have to fold to a 4-bet. I'd be check/folding most flops when I miss.
Depends on what reads you have on the players and also your image.
The way I see it, 6-handed 99 is a very strong hand, on that level of cash it is standard to raise when you come into a pot so the utg doesn't have to have a monster and the rest didn't think they were strong enough to raise with either.
ok, the vast majority have voted to call here, obviously in the hope of hitting a set......only an uber-tight player would fold here, and to re-rasie would be risky as the players on the table are capable of coming back over the top of us, or forcing us to play our mid-pair OOP post flop........lets see the flop and hope
Please only explain reasoning for this move, as we will develop further streets during the week
Folding is bad obviously. A re-raise may be good on some tables, but I would expect the UTG opener to be quite strong and I'd have to fold to a 4-bet. I'd be check/folding most flops when I miss.
The way I see it, 6-handed 99 is a very strong hand, on that level of cash it is standard to raise when you come into a pot so the utg doesn't have to have a monster and the rest didn't think they were strong enough to raise with either.
I would re-raise to about £24.