Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
and for tonights entertainment i give you..........!!!!!!
hand 1 is the final table on a 2.20 BH hand 2 the 11 quid BH is ther no end to my sufferin
Hand History #316403518 (21:17 09/12/2010)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJGIBBRFCSmall blind 800.00800.0025970.00lynnpinBig blind 1600.002400.0012990.00 Your hole cards7K junky11713Fold diltsyFold v
Call 1600.004000.0027646.25vegasmanFold JGIBBRFCAll-in 25970.0029970.000.00lynnpinFold Call 25170.0055140.002476.25JGIBBRFCShow7K Show9J Flop 8K7 Turn 5 River 6 vWinStraight to the 955140.00 57616.25
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