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On-line gambling question
There are so many offers and promo's out there it just shows that Online gambling is still thriving and competiton is getting better all the time
Anyone can make £500 if they are new to on-line gambling
My question is though - Can you make a living from it?
I know some ppl do but they are in a minority and normally have thousands of pounds to stake by laying off their bets , but without that money can you still make a living from it
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Yes, but the poker industry is like a giant pyramid scheme, only an elite few thousand at the top will be making enough money to sustain a reasonable living while millions at the bottom are all losing small amounts of money which filters its way up sustain them. To climb to the top of the pyramid you will have to be a highly skilled and hard working individual, nearly all of us will never be good enough to make it. Without the recreational players at the bottom the whole pyramid would crumble.