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what hands should I play out of position?.
Been going over my stats on 4nl and seem to be seeing a lot of flops out of position. I'm not playing 'any two' but am wondering if I'm overvaluing holds 'out of pos'!
I seem to get QJ, JT, KT and AT utg but these hands never seems to pay off as it's hard to play them unless you flop the nuts!
Should I be chucking these hands from this position (are they worth playing in position?) as I think this could be where I'm leaking chips!
I think they are danagerous cards as even hitting 2 pair with these others others the strt opportunity and as we know, it's hard to get players off a gut shot on 4nl!
Really want to tighten my game on cash so what % average should I be playing over an 1hour 30min stint at the table?
I think I've been drawn into the stations play of playing these connectors as I seem to do my stack against them (Had pocket Qs, tripped on flop yet he flopped K strt with J9 in his hand). I've even lost to players I class as tight 4nl when they've done my two pair Ks & Qs with a JT strt.
Gonna try and get back to tightening up my game and hopefully will get this chip leak sorted.
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J 10, QJ, KJ, etc are not great to open utg or early position as they are easily dominated (reverse implied odds)
you want to be opening the top of your range in early position (any pair, ak aq,) and loosen up as you get nearer the button,
you must of heard this loads of time but i cant stress enough how important position is in this game