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Should I have shoved here??
I'm new to Sky Poker and was wondering, should I have shoved here 6handed with the blinds at 800/1600 and me sitting with about 11 BB. I raised it pre-flop to about 3,700 and was re-raised, so I couldn't just call it with the stack I had and the blinds just about to go up again, should I have played i differently??
3203081352010-12-20 20:27:3372264.50J95523825112.00heartftl won 22424.00 with a Pair of 5sSilentBR won 43300.00 with a Two Pairs, Kings and 5s
0 ·
Ignore the first post, I done it wrong.
Same question with this hand, im sitting about 12 BB deep, should I have played it differently??
Hand History #320308135 (20:28 20/12/2010)
A limp, minraise, flat call. Sat with J9 it's a snap fold, if just one player was involved and they minraised you could have shoved to steal the dead money hoping they fold but here there's been too much interest.
Hi and welcome I wouldn't have flat called with 11 BB to be honest.Once u flat called and got raised and someone else called the raise it's a definite fold in my opinion. Then you re-raised and he shoved it's a definite fold, but i don't think the shove is the right play in this situation.
If you really wanted to play this hand i would have just put it all in or folded.
j-9 sux j-10's ( a pointless optomists' schidt hand ) werthers original. W8 for better if u wanna shove imo. Q-2 dominates j-9 it's numerical see ?
Im going to be brutally honest. I hate the way you played this hand.
Preflop you had 3 options imo.
1. Open shove, not terrible, but not advisable from utg+1 really with about 14bbs but im ok with this.
2. raise to c. 3.8k to blind steal, and fold to reshove. Not crazy about this either but again, fine.
out of all the 3 i favour the fold.
I am afraid that what you did makes no sense. No one is ever folding pre, as you are pricing them in with your reraise. You dont want action with j9s oop!
P.S, you didnt shove, you CALLED! with J high!
Everybody makes loads of mistakes when they're inexperienced. The ones who go on to do well are those who are prepared to learn by their mistakes rather than just ignore them or blame it on bad luck. Looking back at crucial hands that went wrong, working out if you could have done better and seekinhg opinions from others is a great way to improve your game, so keep it up. Good luck.