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Top 10 Movies of 2010

edited December 2010 in The Shed
Here's my list...

(Have to be honest: I struggled to come up with ten.  It's not been a terrific year at the cinema, imo!)

So, what would be in YOUR top ten?


  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    Here's my list... (Have to be honest: I struggled to come up with ten.  It's not been a terrific year at the cinema, imo!) So, what would be in YOUR top ten?
    Posted by J-Hartigan
    Wow this is tough, i cant even muster up a top 10. I haven't seen any movie on your top ten list exept inception lol

    has to include Avatar, inception and i wana see little fockers, the fighter oh yea and toy story three 
  • edited December 2010

    can't believe my Nan's favourite ' A Serbian Film' [pg] , has not made your top 10!!

    it tackles soo many Balkan issues.....and BOY!! Have they got issues !!
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    In Response to Top 10 Movies of 2010 : Wow this is tough, i cant even muster up a top 10. I haven't seen any movie on your top ten list lol has to include Avatar, inception and i wana see little fockers, the fighter oh yea and toy story three 
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    Avatar was released in 2009, while The Fighter doesn't open in cinemas in the UK until February 2011 :)

  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010 : Avatar was released in 2009, while The Fighter doesn't open in cinemas in the UK until February 2011 :)
    Posted by J-Hartigan

  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    James!! can't believe my Nan's favourite ' A Serbian Film' [pg] , has not made your top 10!! it tackles soo many Balkan issues.....and BOY!! Have they got issues !!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    What a shame I missed that one.  I'll have to wait for the Blu-ray release :)

  • edited December 2010
    Kick @ss was the best by a distance. The Town was good and Social Network.  The Human Centipede was worth a watch, and Piranha 3d had a couple of great parts in it too.
  • edited December 2010
    You are not kidding James! Top 10? I can barely manage 3

    2...Kick A##
    3...Iron Man 2

    Even though i am a huge fan of Harry Potter, can't add it this year as it is part 1 of 2. Have to see next year!
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    You are not kidding James! Top 10? I can barely manage 3 1...Inception 2...Kick A## 3...Iron Man 2 Even though i am a huge fan of Harry Potter, can't add it this year as it is part 1 of 2. Have to see next year!
    Posted by lozgo
    I loved Iron Man, but was SO disappointed with the sequel.  Under-written; too many characters; too much promotion of the Avengers movie...

  • edited December 2010
    The other guys.
  • edited December 2010
    Worst movie - tron legacy
  • edited December 2010
    Even a Top 5 would be hard, but considering it was the 3rd instalment,Toy Story 3 was my favourite film of the year and rarely when they make that many sequels......alien3/godfather3/Robocop3/jaws3/matrix(pt3)and many others (please feel free to add) is the film any good.
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    Even a Top 5 would be hard, but considering it was the 3rd instalment,Toy Story 3 was my favourite film of the year and rarely when they make that many sequels......alien3/godfather3/Robocop3/jaws3/matrix(pt3)and many others (please feel free to add) is the film any good.
    Posted by Any2Suited
    Agreed!  It's possibly the best "Part III" ever made...

  • edited December 2010
    Can't argue with your list James.

    Hasn't been a vintage year at all. I looked at a list of 2010 films to see if you'd missed any but couldn't find a single one. Thankfully I've been trawling the Asian film scene this year so have seen plenty of good uns but that's a different thread that I've already done.

    I thought Inception was the pick of Hollywood's output. Smart @rse plot and plenty of action. My kind of film. Loved Kick-ass too. And A Prophet and Precious were good. Just got Bad Lieutenant home from lovefilm so can't comment yet. Wee man's got Toy Story 3 for x-mas and am now looking forward to it. Have love filmed the ones of your list that I hadn't heard of (The Town and Winter's bone). But just can't argue. Rather annoying when, even with google at my disposal, I can't pick fault with the film geek presenter. Meh.

    Being a huge fan of Haruki Murakami's novels, Norwegian Wood is the one I'm looking forward to next year.
  • edited December 2010
    A good part three?

    The good, the bad and the ugly.
    Indiana Jones Last Crusade.
    Evil Dead army of darkness.
    Die Hard With Avengence.
    Back to the future III

    Hmmm. Can't think I have any more that I wanna admit to.

    P.S Just to clarify Jedi sucked
  • edited December 2010
    I really stuggle watching Hollywood films now; they are just so banal. The Golden Age of cinema there has long long gone - I can't honestly pick a good Hollywood film of this past year. I liked A Prophet though and watch far more World Cinema, Independent and UK stuff now as they are far more interesting.
  • edited December 2010
    I'v heard good things about and looking forward to seeing the Coen Brothers 'True Grit'.
  • edited December 2010
    Winters Bone looks very interesting and ahve just pre-ordered it from Play.  I personally think that Garret Dillahunt is one of the finest actors around today.  Such a shame he doesn't get any leading roles.

    My top 10 would look something like this:

    The Town (my favourite film of the year.  Read somewhere that Afflecks original cut was around 4 hours and hopefully they're gonna release this on BluRay).
    Scott Pilgrim
    Up in the Air (just checked IMDB and released in the UK Jan 10 so just scrapes it!)
    The Social Network
    Kick A$$
    Devil (weakest of the lot but probably the best horror film I've seen this year)
    The Killer Inside Me
    Shutter Island
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    Worst movie - tron legacy
    Posted by loonytoons
    This is not a film .
    Just a waste of ' data ' .
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    hmm havent seen a great deal this year, probably...

    1. The Social Network
    2. Inception
    3. The Town
    4. Toy Story 3
    5. Up In The Air
    6. Four Lions
    7. Scott Pilgrim
    8. Kick-Ass
    9. Bad Lieutenant
    10. A Prophet

    I felt like A Prophet had been hyped up too much so when i watched it i was kinda disappointed even though it was still a good film, same with Kickass. I loved The directing in Scott Pilgrim, the story was a bit lacking but it was fun to watch and quite funny. Even Though The Town was a standard Heist movie i thougt the action was done really well, especially the car chases, which i usually find boring. Also having 3 heists instead of the usual 1 or 2 kept the movie pace up right til the end. Much better than i was expecting. The Social Network is easily my number one though. I love David Fincher, i like Aaron Sorkin. Well acted. Interesting subject even though you wonder how the hell it could be. Easily my movie of the year.
  • edited December 2010
    The Expendables.
    OK. It ain't sophistcated and it's about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but it sure is a fun movie.
  • edited December 2010
    Thought most films this year were a bit Poor

    Kick A$$
    Toy Story 3

    Thats it i'm affraid, anything else i either didn't see or didn't like
  • edited December 2010
    Black Swan

    Kick @ss

    Lesbian Vampires or something ... forget the name of it but its well good
  • edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Top 10 Movies of 2010:
    Black Swan Kick @ss Lesbian Vampires or something ... forget the name of it but its well good
    Posted by Neildown
    Good shout.  However, the only films eligible to make my list were those released in UK cinemas between 1st January and 31st December 2010.  As 'Black Swan' doesn't open here until the end of next month, I have to consider it a film of 2011.

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