Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
...well, at the poker tables.
You'd think the hairy one would be too busy with his pressie deliveries. He's said something about snow and ice making it tricky to steer or something. Anyway, go take his money on the Hold'em cash tables now and if you stack him you win an entry to the Santa Sack tourney on 28th December.
Good luck!
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I got bumped out of a TSP classic entry I won on the 11th (on a show thread)
Contacted CS about 4 days ago............"We will look into it". Cheers. Bumped.
Bah Humbug SkyPoker.
Bet you wouldn't do that to Merenovice or Irishrover lol.