In Response to Take That. : Honey badgers are neither. Yet they are the ultimate take that freaks. Posted by shelski
Take That aren't cool. Honey Badger doesn't care. Honey Badger listens to what he wants to listen to. Honey Badger will listen to Bon Jovi or Europe if the mood takes him. Who's going to stop him? Nobody, that's who. Honey badger will eat Bon Jovi and Europe if the mood takes him. Who's going to stop him? Nobody, that's who.
In Response to Take That. : I've been told Take That are playing at Anfield early in the New Year !!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted by billyboots
In Response to Re: Take That. : Exactly. Take That aren't cool. Honey Badger doesn't care. Honey Badger listens to what he wants to listen to. Honey Badger will listen to Bon Jovi or Europe if the mood takes him. Who's going to stop him? Nobody, that's who. Honey badger will eat Bon Jovi and Europe if the mood takes him. Who's going to stop him? Nobody, that's who. Posted by bandini
LOL man some of your posts are nothing short of genius ! Thank you. And you like The Fall ? Good on you and happy christmas. I was nearly crying with laughter when i read this with a vicious Jack Daniels red wine hangover. It was very painful but Honey Badger don't care lol.
It just struck me ( i'm a little slow ) but maybe there is a God afterall. Simply for the fact that Honey Badgers didn't evolve to be the size of bears. I guess there isn't enough food in the world. Anyway here's my favourite Ramones song hope you like it
Not a fan of The Fall or The Ramones. Kinda into my music but neither band seemed to hit my era tbh.
Honey Badgers the size of bears?! Christ-o. They'd eat the whole planet and free-fall through outer space eating the entire milky way and I don't mean the snack that you can eat inbetween meals.
And thanks for recognising my genius. Not everyone's clever enough to ;-)
Take That have become cool, Robbie is cool and transfers some of that to the group lol The recent stuff is OK, the old stuff is still GAY Posted by ACESOVER8s
Going to HAVE to pull you up on that one my friend.
@ on the planet I'm aware off. He needed Take That more than Take That ever needed him.
And their old stuff wasn't gay. Young bandini often dressd like them and could pull of a few of their dance moves. And "Back for Good" is a classic.
But I'm not a fan. Honest. Just the boy-band of my era.
@ on the planet I'm aware off. He needed Take That more than Take That ever needed him. And their old stuff wasn't gay. Young bandini often dressd like them and could pull of a few of their dance moves. And "Back for Good" is a classic. But I'm not a fan. Honest. Just the boy-band of my era. Posted by bandini
WELL, that mental picture has ruined the rest of my New Years Eve.... ;o)
In Response to Re: Take That. : I'm not bothered which one you vote for Neil. I was just gauging opinion. Therefore offering me "one" is futile. You and Miyagi had a tiff? Posted by bandini
Yet they are the ultimate take that freaks.
Take That aren't cool. Honey Badger doesn't care. Honey Badger listens to what he wants to listen to. Honey Badger will listen to Bon Jovi or Europe if the mood takes him. Who's going to stop him? Nobody, that's who. Honey badger will eat Bon Jovi and Europe if the mood takes him. Who's going to stop him? Nobody, that's who.
I've been told Take That are playing at Anfield early in the New Year !!!!!
Thank you. And you like The Fall ?
Good on you and happy christmas.
I was nearly crying with laughter when i read this with a vicious Jack Daniels red wine hangover. It was very painful but Honey Badger don't care lol.
Simply for the fact that Honey Badgers didn't evolve to be the size of bears.
I guess there isn't enough food in the world.
Anyway here's my favourite Ramones song hope you like it
Honey Badgers the size of bears?! Christ-o. They'd eat the whole planet and free-fall through outer space eating the entire milky way and I don't mean the snack that you can eat inbetween meals.
And thanks for recognising my genius. Not everyone's clever enough to ;-)
The recent stuff is OK, the old stuff is still GAY
@ on the planet I'm aware off. He needed Take That more than Take That ever needed him.
And their old stuff wasn't gay. Young bandini often dressd like them and could pull of a few of their dance moves. And "Back for Good" is a classic.
But I'm not a fan. Honest. Just the boy-band of my era.
You and Miyagi had a tiff?
Being gay seems to be cool nowadays anyway!