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Poker Etiquette and Sanctions
Hi all
As we all know there have been some threads on the forum regarding poor etiquette at the poker tables, i.e. Talking about your hand during play and slowrolling, this has got me thinking, what steps would be taken if a player continuously continues to breach etiquette at the tables?
I guess the first thing that would be needed would be to explain to the player that what she/he is doing is not acceptable behaviour, if however that player still continues after that, then what?
I have only ever come accross one instance of a breach of etiquette where a player told us what hand they had, I simply typed in the chatbox, Look I am sorry, but would you please not talk about your hand during play, I was asked why to which I replied it is poor etiquette (Poor Form) to tlak about your hand during play, that player appologised and didnt do it again.
Just thought a bit of clarification may help in this if people come across it.
Many Thanks
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Are you talking just online here Barry or live too?
Online all you can do is remind the player of good etiquette if it continues i would report them but very little is done about poor etiquette on line in my experience. Maybe a 24 hour chat ban at the most.Problem is most people don't care enough online because they can't be seen and cyberspace is full of internet warriors.
Live i would guess is a different kettle of fish and bad etiquette per se is harder to control for the simple reason that vitually all cardrooms operate different policies and have staff with differing abilities to get involved if a player acts up.
A live tournament needs a very strong TD or card room manager.
Ricky, was talking about online, never played live
Thanks for that Flash, most grateful.
I wouldnt go as far as blocking chat in an all-in situation.
there are times you go all in knowing it will be a race, and at those times i like to be able to say gl to the other runner. Like you say, on other sites i have found myself unable to do so which is a pity especially if there has been some good natured chat with the person prior to the all -in hand.
hopefully players dont let themselves down in the chat box in an all-in situation but i would rather the few that do are dealt with individually rather than have the chat box blocked for the majority of fair minded players in the community.
Hmmmm ok lol.
It's a game, not a fight.
Its nice to be nice.
I'm fairly polite in general, but I think thats kinda a step too far and just being polite for the sake of it.
For instance saying GL at the start of the tournie is standard cos everyone is equal at that time, but you're playing to win so why bother when you are basically flipping?
But maybe I'm just being pedantic, its 2 letters on a computer screen so who cares lol.
However it is a 'tell' that the player is inexperienced so might work to your advantage later in the game !1
Poker is a game, yes cash is involved, but its not war and it's primary reason for being played (imo) is for fun. If you make some cash while you play then all the better for it. But even a break even player gets a lot of entertainment for a few pounds.
Maybe we should have some tables specially created for all the people with no sportsmanship and manners.;)
Surely though if you are flipping the whole point is its really a matter of whose day it is, so saying GL is fair enough.
I do honestly think that the majority of people do actually appreciate others saying GL when their tournament is on the line. Just being kind to each other.
I have to admit I am bad, I say GL to every at the pub poker on every hand lol