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The Unofficial Sky Poker Awards 2010
Just for fun...............
These votes are personal to you and reflect your playing and viewing:
Toughest cash opponent
Toughest SNG opponent
Toughest MTT opponent
Best presenter / analyst
Best Sky Poker show
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person
Personal highlight of 2010
Best forum thread
0 ·
Toughest SNG opponent
Toughest MTT opponent
Best presenter / analyst
J-Hart/Rich-O/TK too close to call
Best Sky Poker show
The one with the christmas jumpers
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person
Rich's stories has lead me to believe that Mandy is a pretty cool lady
Personal highlight of 2010
winning a pot. any pot.
Best forum thread
my memories quite bad i don't really remember what i read on here 10 mins ago let alone 10 months
Toughest SNG opponent
Toughest MTT opponent
Best presenter / analyst
Rich and LML
Best Sky Poker show
£220 doublestack monthly- always seems to have more analysis of plays
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person
Gotta love ling
Personal highlight of 2010
2nd in Primo and 4th in Luton in week after being eliminated from Total Player
Best forum thread
any area 51 thread still makes me lol
Best presenter/analyst For me is James Hartigan Just an all round great guy that I always find him entertaining.
These votes are personal to you and reflect your playing and viewing:
Toughest cash opponent
Toughest SNG opponent
Toughest MTT opponent
Best presenter / analyst
Best Sky Poker show
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person
Best forum thread
recently I was on a table with both Mickjenn and Phil12UK. They got involved in multiple pots and mickjenn ofc won them all.
therefore mickjenn is the master of the luckboxes.
Toughest SNG opponent
Toughest MTT opponent
Best presenter / analyst
Best Sky Poker show
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person
Personal highlight of 2010
Best forum thread
TheDon steals my chips ALL THE TIME!!!!!
Toughest SNG opponent
Irish-grind you down - rover
Toughest MTT opponent
Has to be Mickjenn just for the amount of tilt he gives me...
Best presenter / analyst
BLANDY wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Best Sky Poker show
Ed & Rich with the e-bay photo's...funniest show this year!!!
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person
Pandy!!!! She's a fierce old m0u5e and formidable on the table...go girl
Personal highlight of 2010
SPT final @ DTD...tremendous....
Best forum thread
IT'S A FIASCO...strictly speaking it was 2009 but hey ho..funniest thread EVER!!!!
Merry Drinkmas One & All
Toughest SNG opponent: Hardly play them
Toughest MTT opponent: Flatcapbil
Best presenter / analyst: Ed and rich together are great
Best Sky Poker show: Most are good, can't remember any specific one though
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person: Sky_ling
Personal highlight of 2010: Not going busto
Best forum thread: This thread is qualitaaay...especially the 1st page!
Toughest SNG opponent: the river
Toughest MTT opponent: the blinds
Best presenter / analyst: LML is by far the best looking so therefore the best
Best Sky Poker show: BH
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person: mandy
Personal highlight of 2010: being the first contestant on orfords disastermind...what a fantastic claim to fame
Best forum thread: any bad beat tale of woe..GET OVER IT YOU LOST
Toughest SNG opponent: Wacko90
Toughest MTT opponent: Goodylad21
Best presenter / analyst: All of them!
Best Sky Poker show: Mastercash
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person: All of them but Sky Mandy is pretty cool
Personal highlight of 2010: SPT Glasgow
Best forum thread: Any Thread Started by Irishrover
Toughest cash opponent DOH & OZZIE08
Toughest SNG opponent RARELY PLAY THEM
Toughest MTT opponent OYNUTTER
Best presenter / analyst ALL OF THEM
Best Sky Poker show MASTERCASH
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person SKY LING
Toughest SNG opponent : Ace Barry. Calling two all-ins with 22 and hitting. I ask you. I'd have knocked out Orford if he hadn't called too.
Toughest MTT opponent : I mean it in a complimentary way but Solack and Scotty77 were both notable nightmares to have at your table.
Best presenter / analyst: Love all the presenters but Orford gets the vote. Like his humour and he talks a lot more poker sense than he's given credit for. Analyst : Lolu. Education to listen to him and he seems to be a true gent into the bargain.
Best Sky Poker show. Either mastercash with Lolu or the monthly DS Thursday night ones.
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person : Sky Rich.
Personal highlight of 2010 : Turning £30 into £800 in a month. Don't even ask me about the lowlights.
Best forum thread : Chasing Lanterns by Bryan Oryon. By a country mile.
Toughest cash opponent: dont play much cant even remember any i've had specific trouble with
Toughest SNG opponent: 10 seater only ones, so ....... greghogg for his unpredictabliltiy
Toughest MTT opponent: Solack, pain in the bum
Best presenter / analyst: Ed & tiikay, but they are all great.
Best Sky Poker show: Redmond Mastercash show
Favourite 'behind the scenes' person: Sky Mandy, i think if i meet her may be in love
Personal highlight of 2010: just becoming more active on forum forget why, now i dont go on charlton forum at all oops
Merry Chrimbo all xxx
Best forum thread