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Ok this is just something ive seen alot recently in a £5.50 dym in omaha. Say a player ha KK96r or QQ83(8 and 3 suited) and someone shove pre is it a call.
Now im not claiming bad beat as on both occassions i was behind pre to the pair, on the KK occassion QT86double suit and the other time i had KQTA single suit.
Just curious as to pre flop all in call hands.
This was NLO btw/
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I'll tell you why.
1. A worser player with these hands WILL call meaning one less player, just let them battle it out
2. If someone is all in pre, they've 80% of the time got AAxx (so many people find this hand to be the nuts)
So personally if there is a shove pre, and i feel like calling because i think im good, i want all my cards to be different cause likelyhood is that you can smash them just with just 2 pairs, suited connectors.. even better.
double suited connectors are your best hands to push with. Or AAxx - QQxx (double suited)
Gonna get back into omaha when i deposit as i made quite a bit of it when i played it properly, so good luck and se you on the tables mate.
Also p.s ive played countless DYM's without playing a single hand and cashing.. Bit wouldnt advise doing that just let other people tackle the big spots and you tackle the correct spots
Too many people playing omaha massively overrate PP especially big ones. People who massively raise pre most of the time have AAxx and play it like AA in NLHE.Even good PP like AAKK ds is only about 65% fave against a good drawing hand like 89TJds( if suits are different). It is hands like 89TJ ds that are the ones you want to be playing against the big raises not raggy big pairs. 89TJ has all 6 hands nut drawing and therefore you have much more chance of connecting with the board and winning the hand.
Hands like KK96 and QQ83 are only any good if you can get to the flop cheap and get away cheap when you miss. They are certainly not worth going to war with. If circumstances were desperate i would consider shoving with that type of hand but there are very few circumstances in which i would call a shove with them.
The other thing to remember is that in omaha the winning hands tend to be bigger and therefore a pocket pair that sets up is still very often not enough to win. To win with a PP you have to be looking at a house minimum or to bet off your opponents when you set up.Hopefully some of this is of some use to you.
Thanks Talon. Gave me a good insight to the world of omaha there. I have no idea why but i find the omaha world is soo much easier than the hold em one, therefore i wanrt to be able to master this game. As stated above i wasnt the caller i was the shover with the other hands both times.
One thing i wasnt sure of, is how strong is my hands in comparason to my opponents pre flop?
Alsolmake notes on everyone who pushed with them hands and then follow them, because i asure you they don't just do it the once, and they knowledge of omaha is shocking. You see so many people go against eachother with the likes of AAxx vs KKxx.