Limped pot pre-flop 8-5-9 flop all the money in Glitterbabe J-7 shoves with a double gutshot Jamielou calls with 9-7 top pair and gutshot turn 4 giving Gliterbabe a flush draw too river Jd and this means that............................. Wayne Rideout, Gliterbabe,is the 2011 SPT Newcastle Champion winning £4,500 Jamie Louise Barrett, Jamie Lou finishes 2nd for £3,000 Well done both Posted by SPT
Riddla in the big blind calls!
Jamie A-4o
Riddla 10-Kdd
board 2-8-6-3-7
JamieLou doubles up again
chips being counted now to see if Riddla has some left
Riddla in blind 3-7cc
flop 3-4-A-J-8
We lose Riddla in 3rd winning £2,000
Gliterbabe 550,000
Jamie Lou 270,000
10-20k blinds
GSDIXON pushed with 55 and I called all in with AK, 5's held up
Great day tho
Will try harder next time ;-)
Keep your humble reporter going til the end!!
Gliterbabe he's not in the last 2 for nothing, great player and a really nice bloke
Well done to all of the finalists
No time for the buffet either!!
Jamie Lou 210,000
Has the rebuy period ended now?
Good luck BOTH!
Jamie lou check calls a bet on the flop,
check check on the turn
Jamie leads the river, Gliterbabe raises, Jamie shoves, called
K-4 RIVERED TWO PAIR for Gliterbabe
JamieLou doubles up to equal stacks 440,000
Not sure yet, must find a curry house!!
8-5-9 flop all the money in
Glitterbabe J-7 shoves with a double gutshot
Jamielou calls with 9-7 top pair and gutshot
turn 4 giving Gliterbabe a flush draw too
river Jd and this means that.............................
Wayne Rideout, Gliterbabe,is the 2011 SPT Newcastle Champion winning £4,500
Jamie Louise Barrett, Jamie Lou finishes 2nd for £3,000
Well done both
TYVM for the updates.
Only joking, nice atmosphere here, and the night might yet be young for our TSP hero
That's it from me, a winners photo will be posted up shortly
Thank you for watching and posting and goodnight from me, and goodnight from him. and his nine lookalikes, mr tikay.
Nice Result Wayne! Simples innit.
Great 2nd Jamie....and all the other cashers. Cheers 4 the updates Mr SPT.