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Hi do you think you should ever show your hand in cash games? For instance maybe show a bluff to establish a looser image and maybe get paid more when do hit? Or do you think you image is pretty establish by your style of play (so showing a hand makes no difference)
Also is there every a case for showing the winning hand, if they fold?
Finally is this different for tournaments (where the players change around alot quicker)
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try not to show at all, if you want a looser image just play a couple loose hands just dont lose too much
I do however sometimes show a winning hand if I have a succession of strong hands AA, KK, QQ, AK etc just to let other players know that when I make a strong bet i'm not just bluffing.
Showing strong hands can also help with your table image later on in the game when you are card dead, you can make a strong raise with air and usually get it through nicking a few blinds, however, I wouldn't recommend continually showing strong hands as this can give other players a better idea of your betting patterns, giving them the ability to narrow your holding cards down.
Show your bluffs in cash games and you'll get called by the whole table next time you bet out with a strong hand and get stung. The only time i show these days is when i get a sucession of good cards and want the table to believe that i'm getting the goods.