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hi all, i was playing on aother site and had this hand
we were HU about 6k each chips, blinds 150 300,
i had 44 raise to 900 he calls, flop 442 2spades i bet 1500 he calls
turn 3of spades i bet 2k he calls
river 5 of spades i check he shvoes do u call or fold? i think i made the worse desision ever here.......
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Sorry im wrong your also loosing to 6 7 of spades but still a snap call! U have quads!!
So what if he has str8 flush at least you can say "i lost with quads"
LOL im just sitting here shacking my head and chuckling away
lol i told you aswell im never folding quads
unlucky mate
Dint know you played like a rock!
get your poker books out matey
A few other sites have badbeat jackpots, I dunno if thats just cash, not mtt`s, but if you were eligible for it , then that WOULD be the worst fold didnt rly fold.......did you??