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What really grinds your gears?

edited February 2011 in The Shed

Wanna get something off your chest? What really grinds your gears!

Mine is when my Dad comes round and turns all my lights off and my radiators down....if I couldn't afford electric then I would have already turned them off myself!

Your turn guys & gals!


  • edited January 2011
    oh and also a poker related one for you...

    whenever i get a nice cash for points bonus I lose it within a week and then have to take ages trying to win it back again! lol (only myself to blame for that one!)
  • edited January 2011

    When I'm sat on the sofa, with my feet up, and the laptop on playing poker, and the dog decides to open the door with his nose, stand in the doorway, sniff for 10 seconds, turn around, and walk straight back out, without closing the door behind him !!!!!!!!!

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr x 1,000
  • edited January 2011
    lol that one made me laugh!
  • edited January 2011
    lol and me classic
  • edited January 2011
    Facebook and the muppets who tell us about it in the shed.
  • edited January 2011
    When people pick up an accent after a two day holliday,    My ex once spent two days in hospital next to an old lady highlander,     My god it was embarressing when both I and my friend went to visit,    She spoke totaly different,      I mentioned it to my son who was nearly an adult at the time,    His witty reply was,   Be thankful she wasnt put next to a jamacian.

    True story

  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    The pointless whining from a lot of poker players when they lose hands. 

    PS I bet DOHHHHHHH hasn't seen the picture yet! ;-)
  • edited January 2011
    People who on the hottest day of the year, when all their neighbours are sat out in the garden and have all the windows open, decide that today is the day their going to get off their @rse and burn those conifer cuttings which have been laying around for four months!!!!!!
  • edited January 2011
    People that decide it's a good time to ring you or call round just as you've started playing in a poker tournament.
  • edited January 2011
    Sky Poker CC/CS
  • edited January 2011
    Credit card or bank people that ring and start the call by saying i bet your watching the champions league football (final i think?) but can i just ask you a few questions about our service and general banking........!!!! Errrrrrrrrrrrrr no! f eck no! the football is about to start!!!!! you ff ecking idiot.
  • edited January 2011
    Mine has to be, the one night in the week i decide stay up until the early hours to play poker and the site closes for maintenance.
  • edited January 2011
    I have lived in London for 11 years now, and everything that hacks me off, i have developed a hating for since moving here - I like to call it London Rage.

    These include:

    - people that walk in front of you at a slower pace, and move in front when you when you try to pass........ move, just god damn move....if you cant i will do it for you.
    - Any kind of tourist.... please dont ask for directions, i feel guilty sending you to Peckham and have to eat loads to get over it.
    - The tube announcer saying "there are delays on the district, circle, hammersmith and city, metropolitain, northern and Piccadilly lines, all other lines are operating a good service"......what all 3 of them that no one uses??
    - Wimbledon tennis as it causes all 3 of the above!!!
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: What really grinds your gears?:
    I have lived in London for 11 years now, and everything that hacks me off, i have developed a hating for since moving here - I like to call it London Rage. These include: - people that walk in front of you at a slower pace, and move in front when you when you try to pass........ move, just god damn move....if you cant i will do it for you. - Any kind of tourist.... please dont ask for directions, i feel guilty sending you to Peckham and have to eat loads to get over it. - The tube announcer saying "there are delays on the district, circle, hammersmith and city, metropolitain, northern and Piccadilly lines, all other lines are operating a good service"......what all 3 of them that no one uses?? - Wimbledon tennis as it causes all 3 of the above!!!
    Posted by tapeworm
    I kno the feeling :)

  • edited January 2011

    Mobility scooters in shops

    why are blind deaf old people allowed without any training or testing allowed to got to the old shopmobilty van and drive off to asdas and employ the old aim and pray technic sending pregnant women and infants running for cover.
    one embedded the wife into toiletries counter once
    some of these things are the size of a mini ffs!

  • edited January 2011
    People that come to my door and say Its ok Im not trying to sell you anything! Then try to sell me religion.
  • edited January 2011
    Supermarkets..............bloodyel where do i start...

    1. old biddies with velcro for shoes

    2. some **** who decides to leave her yes HER (allways women!!) trolley across the isle deciding which tampax she should have ultra/extra ultr ar whatever so annoying

    3. some old decreppid man on the till, slow as helll looking at every item thoroughly before scannin and has the cheek of askin do i need HELP with my packing....DIE OLD MAN

    4. some &*& who decides its a clever idea to go to the 10 items or less with a full trolley, so winds me up that

    so mutch more..
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    Hip 23 year olds that go to the supermarket like a big girl instead of doing what all 23 year olds do like con some old geezer into going for them.   Then winge like a big girls mum.  :)

  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: What really grinds your gears?:
    Hip 23 year olds that go to the supermarket like a big girl instead of doing what all 23 year olds do like con some old geezer into going for them.   Then winge like a big girls mum.  :) Peter
    Posted by NODEAL
    HAHA Peter ur sooo OLD i could never con an old man like urself but my god do i hate old people!! LOL

    Flippin old  geez do grind my gears lol...My retired grandad....

    1. hel come round to cut the gass at early hours of the morning
    2. complaines its too hot in the house and insists to turn the heating down annoying thing is hes wearing like 10 layers of clothing
    3. when i lost my job for a couple of weeks  he pestered me everyday saying hes worked since he was 13 blah blah blah never been outta work and off sick blah blah and im a  waster, stupid and explained i should not have smacked my boss in the face....

    4...i have issues dont I....
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: What really grinds your gears?:
    In Response to Re: What really grinds your gears? : HAHA Peter ur sooo OLD i could never con an old man like urself but my god do i hate old people!! LOL Flippin old  geez do grind my gears lol...My retired grandad.... 1. hel come round to cut the gass at early hours of the morning 2. complaines its too hot in the house and insists to turn the heating down annoying thing is hes wearing like 10 layers of clothing 3. when i lost my job for a couple of weeks  he pestered me everyday saying hes worked since he was 13 blah blah blah never been outta work and off sick blah blah and im a  waster, stupid and explained i should not have smacked my boss in the face.... 4...i have issues dont I....
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    LMAO,    I wuda hated all that too,  poor boy,   YOU have had a pathetic life,   OH MY   you win.

    Old geezer  :)
  • edited January 2011
                 People who do not stop moaning about how bad or how hard there life is, we all have problems one way or the other .
                 The difference is keeping your problems to yourself or boring other people to death by just keeping on about them.
                 Thats my little moan out the way i feel better now :)
                                                   Regards   Mick.
  • edited January 2011
    The postman not pushing the letters all the way through the letter box, propping it open when it's minus floppin 30 outside. I'v half a mind to get up early tomorrow to catch him in the act and claim compensation for my now sure to be excessive heating bill! only half a mind though :) ZZZZZZZZZZ
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: What really grinds your gears?:
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    ahhh just seen ur post in the cliniq this makes sence now lol
  • edited February 2011
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