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AK UTG, faising reraise pre from possible steamy oppo. NL 8
Oppo had just gone down from £11.50 to his current stack in about 8 hands and had been quite unlucky - getting more agressive as hands went on - had just lost a large amount to an all in on flop, where he called with PP - undercards to board.
What are you doing vs his reraise here, bearing in mind chip stacks.
QQQ | Small blind | | £0.04 | £0.04 | £5.23 |
ashman18 | Big blind | | £0.08 | £0.12 | £3.04 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
tapeworm | Raise | | £0.40 | £0.52 | £8.24 |
DODE24 | Fold | | | | |
xxx | Raise | | £1.36 | £1.88 | £1.82 |
TTT69 | Fold | | | | |
QQQ | Fold | | | | |
ashman18 | Fold | | | | |
tapeworm | ??? | | | | |
0 ·
no offense taken.
I should have probably given a bit more info....felt it would give the game away tho.
he had been playing PP of 88+ really strong preflop. due to the previous results I felt he might be tilting.....but also knew this was a high chance of being a pocket pair (he wasnt reraising with AQ+) a race from behind for my AK - should I be shoving half my stack on this.
I shoved - he had JJ. Which held. Just want to check with this kind of read, should i still be shoving
Was just a little annoyed at myself really because I really felt he had a strong chance of Pocket pair (it was only the fact he was likely on tilt that had me doubting it) and i was likely going in behind to his shove. he turned over JJ and i was like "damn".
just wondering if I could have ....and your gonna sigh tut and roll eyes at this!! Folded due to villans previous play with Pockets.
But yeah your right its a shove all day.....never mind next hand!!