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Forum Fun Comp - Orford Profile!

edited May 2011 in Poker Chat

Yes, get in!

Today, it's your chance to come up with the, err, "best" forum Profile for Lord Orford.

Same prize as last time - free entry into next Tuesday's £11 TOTTY, OR any TSP Classic of your choice.

Orford's current profile will follow, next Post.

Do your worst. I'm relying on you. I know you won't let me down......


  • edited January 2011

    RichOrford Profile;

    Male,  London

    About Me:
    Sky Poker presenter and player

    How long have you been playing poker?:
    Since the twenty-first century began
    Your best poker moment?: Winning the Open! BOOM! + Coming second in the Open after being done on the river by a 6-outer. Not so BOOM...

    One piece of poker advice?:
    Four words- BANK, ROLL, MANAGE, MENT!
  • edited January 2011

    Male,  London

    About Me:
    Sky Poker presenter (seriously) and player ( ok, not so seriously) 

    How long have you been playing poker?:
     been involved for many years but never played a hand properly yet
    Your best poker moment?: Caddying for Gus Hansen, my new bestest mate ever!!!!!

  • edited January 2011

    RichOrford Profile;

    transexual from spotville

    About Me:
    the joker in the pack

    How long have you been playing poker?:
    what`s poker thought it was bingo
    Your best poker moment?: shoutin house

    One piece of  advice?:
    use clearasel to aviod volcano`s on forehead

    one piece of poker advice?: if you get knocked out say your really richard bacon
  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    Ladyboy,  London 

    About Me:
     Trainee comedian.....on a 25 year course

    How long have you been playing poker?:
     Since my brief stay at wormwood scrubs where it was either learn to play poker or hunt the soap bar.
    Your best poker moment?: coming 6th in a forum 10 seater SnG  Jan 2011

    One piece of poker advice?:
     If you do poker, give a false name and address in case she comes back looking for you in nine months time. 
  • edited January 2011
    Male,  London

    About Me:
    I'm not Richard Bacon and I like chatting up women avatar's on sky(even if they are men i will go with it)

    How long have you been playing poker?:
    cant really call how i play playing really
    Your best poker moment?: WSOP ME Winner 2011, oh i mean if i was allowed to go as they wont even let me go to Newcastle!

    One piece of poker advice?:
    Stay clear of my table, im too good!
  • edited January 2011
    Sigh... transexual, ladyboy, chatting up men.

    Looks like I'm going to get roasted here- and I don't mean that in a Premiership footballer kind of way...
  • edited January 2011
    RichAwford Profile;

    Maleish,  The cupboard under the stairs in Tikays house

    About Me:
     I get paid for talking rubbish,,, how cool is that

    How long have you been playing poker?:
     its tikays cat that presses the buttons so i cant take the credit...... sigh
    Your best poker moment?: Inviting Budgirl to be live guest............ Then realising i have been trying to get in a blokes knickers for 12 months

    One piece of poker advice?:
     when in doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!   Shove!
  • edited January 2011
    male, london 

    About Me:
    i told a joke once and somebody laughed, or possible farted.
    How long have you been playing poker?:
     long enough to know i am pants 
    Your best poker moment?: i didnt have to reload for at least 2 hours the other day  

    One piece of poker advice?:
    Four words i am a donk
  • edited January 2011
    Rich Orford's Profile

    Male,  London

    About Me:
    I'm not Tikay. That's all I need to know.

    How long have you been playing poker?:
    Ever since Denise Van Outen offered to play a heads-up game on the Big Breakfast bed. Losing that was painful. Johnny didn't even find out! :)
    Your best poker moment?: Being able to call her 'loose and aggressive' without getting a slap.

    One piece of poker advice?:
    Play more hands than Tikay.
  • edited January 2011
    RichOstrich Profile

    Male?: London, Now, where did I leave my car?

    About me: Attempting to be a Sky Poker Presenter, I,ll make it one day, Trying to play poker (I get bluffed too easily)

    How long have you been playing poker?: I have been trying for 11 years, one day, I will get it right ish.

    Best Poker Moment: Luckboxing my way to winning the Open, and coming 2nd too, more luckboxing.

    One piece of poker advice: Stick to your BankRoll, not keep topping up like me (Oooo Bernie:))
  • edited January 2011

    RichOrford Profile;

    AlmostMale,  London (when I remember)

    About Me:
    Famous for my lost sausage

    How long have you been playing poker?:
    Which ones poker again?
    Your best poker moment?:  I once raised when I didnt have a pocket pair!

    One piece of poker advice?:
    If you luckbox your way to second inflicting bad beats on the way only remember to tell people about the 6 outer that the winner hit to beat you (again and again and again etc)
  • edited January 2011

    rich orford

    penthouse, london,     Boom Boom, back of the net!

    About me:  I am a poker player Tv presenter/buisness man/virgin/athletic/ yada yada yada (two pages later)  sometimes dress in womans clothes(just for fun, snif snif)  yada yada yada yada, left school with no qualifications and still made it, boom boom,   back of the net. yada yada yada yada (ten pages later) kissed a girl for first time at age 27,  back of the net!!!  well it looked like a girl!,  yada yada yada,  could tell you guys and not to forget the girls, mwuah mwuah A LOT MORE....  Anyone wanting to know more email me @rich,rich,rich,stinking,rich@orfordspenthouse.governer.

    how long have you been playing poker?:hmmmmmm,  I think they want to know more about me here!!!!! ok  I started playing poker to add to my many skills way back about 1 yr ago whilst dating a one leged spanish bull fighter,  Female obv!!   she tried to teach me brag,  huh!! I told her    im the biggest bullXXXXer there is,  lol  it turned out that it was the card game!!   dopey me,     Anyways I didnt even manage second base with this one,   DUMPTED,   back of the net,  She didnt realy suit me and my foot fettish anyway.

    your best poker moment?:  Had a meal AT,  Wait for it!!!  chrismoneymakers house,   WAS fantastic,  we have sooo much in common,   Hes a virgin, Im a virgin/ hes popular/Im popular,  Anyways,   while I was there his dog walker didnt turn up,    soooo    I had the honer of walking chrises Doggies,   Yey     The smallest one took a huge dump right on my new spats,    Anyway    great food ,  Great day,   And   I kept the poop cos im planning to sell it on Ebay.

    One piece of advice?:  Poker is not the correct activity you want to do if your still a virgin,  Already bought my leggins,  Im of to audition for FAME,    cross your fingers for me guys,  If im not lucky there then,  NOT SOO BOOM BOOM

  • edited January 2011
    Male, London

    ABOUT ME: I take longer in make up than all the others put together

    HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING POKER?: Not long enough, obviously

    YOUR BEST POKER MOMENT?: Winning the open while the wife was teaching me to play

    ONE PIECE OF POKER ADVICE?: Don't start playing a tournament while hair dye is on, you may well last longer than 30 minutes!
  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    Male,  Bobby's Room, Ballagio, Las Vegas

    About Me:
    Sky Poker presenter and high-stakes cash player

    How long have you been OWNING poker?:
    Since the twenty-first century began
    Your best poker moment?: Owning the Open! BOOM! + Owning SkyPoker!!!BOOM + Owning TeamSkypoker! BOOM! owning LML!! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... Owning Tikay..........not so Boom!!!!

    One piece of poker advice?:
    watch and learn, im going to the top baby!!!! Dont take directions from Maxally or risk losing car
  • edited January 2011
    OMFG, just found this on gameshoes website re "Defectors"..............................

    Host Richard Orford - he of former Big Breakfast roving reporter fame - is a really great emcee, chipping in with useful and timely incidental information in order to help sway the (usually stubborn) audience, particularly if the winner in points terms has actually answered fewer questions than one of the other players. It's also clear that he knows what he's talking about when reading the questions and he's got a good sense of control.

    Are there more than one?????
  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    Male,  looking in the mirror

    About Me:
     tikay is my hero and master 

    How long have you been playing poker?:
     first played with brian cant on the set of playaway so since about 1976 
    Your best poker moment?: well actually it was on the bed with paula yates during the break on the big breakfast

    One piece of poker advice?: do what i do not what i say
  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    ALL Male,  Down south know wot i mean sunshine!!! 

    About Me:
    Sky poker King and Ace presenter

    How long have you been playing poker?:
     Since cardboard was invented
    Your best poker moment?: Easy!! every time i play 

    One piece of poker advice: give it up, i will beat you
  • edited January 2011
    Richorford profile--

     male, but thinking of buying a handbag--- London, (posh bit )

    About me--- dwarfed and and very nearly invisible because of Tikay's shadow

     How long have you been playing poker?--- you'll have to ask Tikay that one, I'm not qualfied to answer it myself

     Your best poker moment---when I won a fiver from Ed giddins, and managed to figure out that he ripped me off by one pound fifty

     One piece of poker advice? When Tikay is talking about trains, do not assume that his vast and profound knowledge of the subject cannot be applied to your poker game, I nearly won a hand once, because I was distracted by thinking of stevensons rocket when I saw steam coming out of my ears

  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile

    Male Hen,  London

    About Me: Going through adolescence.

    How long have you been playing poker?: Since I lost my sausage.
    Your best poker moment?: Playing SPT Newcastle in 2011.

    One piece of poker advice?: Don't get your hand stuck in the desk.
  • edited January 2011

    LOL at "Male Hen" Aaron!

  • edited January 2011
    Spotty Man-boy

    Age: Considerably younger that TK

    About Me: Enjoys naked sauna-room's in the gym.....FUUUUUUU ROWING MACHINES

    How long have you been playing poker?: Well, I started with Snap and moved up the levels...
    Your best poker moment?: Being Tony Kendall's understudy on the live show's, man, my mentor!!

    One piece of poker advice?: DO NOT SHOVE AQ v AJ...TILT FOR LIFE!!!!!!..but i'm over it now obv.
  • edited January 2011

         Richorford profile--

         male, London

         About me--- 
    I made my name doing Commercials for Clearasil

          How long have you been playing poker?---  5 mins in between breaks

          Your best poker moment---   Finally being accepted as the new Apprentice Tea Boy for TSP Team

          One piece of poker advice? ---  Always have a Copy of my book "Orfords Poker Strategy Guide" at hand when playing online
  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    Male,  London 

    About Me:
     Sky Poker presenter/Laughing stock of the whole site

    How long have you been playing poker?:
     Long enough to realise I am no good
    Your best poker moment?: N/A

    One piece of poker advice?:
     Always squeeze unopened (s)pots!
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Forum Fun Comp - Orford Profile!:
    RichOrford Profile; transexual from spotville About Me: the joker in the pack How long have you been playing poker?: what`s poker thought it was bingo   Your best poker moment?: shoutin house One piece of  advice?: use clearasel to aviod volcano`s on forehead one piece of poker advice?: if you get knocked out say your really richard bacon
    Posted by spornybol
    LOL   made me laugh,   gd one
  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    Male, (Tikays' FLUNKY),  The car park.

    About Me:
     Sky Pokers' Spotted D!ck (Bald and Zit).

    How long have you been playing poker?:
    About 10 mins, I'm out already.
    Your best poker moment?: Hosting with Tikay and spotting the, infamous, 4 card straight before him! BOOM! + Coming second in every bet with Ed. Not so BOOM...

    One piece of poker advice?: Ask Tikay, he's the expert.
  • edited January 2011

    Need more entries, please!

    I lolled at the "Male Hen" reference, but can't give the author a prize as he's a friend, & I'll get moaned at. I am dying for someone to ask for the "Male Hen" reference to be explained, though.......
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Forum Fun Comp - Orford Profile!:
    RichOrford Profile Male Hen,  London About Me: Going through adolescence. How long have you been playing poker?: Since I lost my sausage.   Your best poker moment?: Playing SPT Newcastle in 2011. One piece of poker advice?: Don't get your hand stuck in the desk.
    Posted by Machka
    Like Tim Henman?
  • edited January 2011

    Male,  London

    About Me: Handsome(when its dark or im far away), One Black eye

    How long have you been playing poker?: Since my divorce from Gabby Roslin (who also has custody of the kids Zig an Zag)
    Your best poker moment?: Getting to a final table (railing Tikay)

    One piece of poker advice?: If in doubt just say yes or nod

  • edited January 2011
    RichOrford Profile;

    Indifferent, Wherever

    About Me:
    Like taxi's, forget cars... Wear Jumpers.. Mostly Blue.. As are my jokes about Tikays Pjs.. Known for my spotted sausage (It's cleared up now)
    How long have you been playing poker?:
     What technically or.. you know.. In my mind?
    Your best poker moment?: My BEST poker monent? Oh I don't know.. I mean there have been so many.. like when I erm.. er... Well this was this one time that I.. when I.. . This one time.. I... erm. Uh. Where did I leave my car...

    One piece of poker advice?: Don't go sticking your entire hand into strange holes. Especially if you are filming it.
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