Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
as the title says, im playing in day1a of the grand prix at DTD tomorrow, flashfish is also in this event ;] te he
ill be tweeting progress throughout the day, probably only be 2 tweets, 1st being 'the tourny has just started' then half an hour later the 2nd one 'just gone out' @$$%££@% sigh.
follow jamie_hurst
would post link but unsure if thats alreet.
0 ·
I will find out to see if it would be possible to post a lnk.
Sky Mod
cant find you :-(
As it is your own tweet page, and not advertising anything else, you are able to put up a link.
Sky Mod
edit:day 1b..
Good Luck to Hurst05, FlashFlush & DaveyZZ hope 1 of you TID
You are followed!
Best of luck Hursty and Fishflush, and any other sky donks in nit innit.:)
We don't want a repeat of Newcastle now do we..
best of luck guys .
I will be wearing my avatar (the picture on tut left of tut page) come and say hello if you see it!!! :-)
sent you a pm hurst .
gl bud .