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As far as bad beats go this is pretty awsome....
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance codnchips Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £38.66 goodylad21 Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £61.52 Your hole cards K K millerz1 Fold FlashFlush Raise £2.50 £3.25 £46.75 Drunk? Raise £6.50 £9.75 £112.12 codnchips Fold goodylad21 Fold FlashFlush Raise £16.00 £25.75 £30.75 Drunk? Call £12.00 £37.75 £100.12 Flop 4 2 6 FlashFlush All-in £30.75 £68.50 £0.00 Drunk? Call £30.75 £99.25 £69.37 FlashFlush Show K K Drunk? Show 4 2 Turn 10 River 8 Drunk? Win Two Pairs, 4s and 2s £97.45 £166.82
0 ·
Hand History #333335677 (22:05 23/01/2011)
Hursty thats pretty sick ouch, i thought i ran bad bet that one hurt!
I was pee'd off when I lost KK v KK once in a £2.30 bounty hunter, Hurstys puts mine in perspective.
Dnt think it cost me that much money though. But it hurt.