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Andy gray

edited January 2011 in The Shed
they were obviously after him,    seems to me that they want to weed out the average bloke out of public view,

LOL if he was willing to wear a dress and camp it up they wouldv let him away with anything.

I think he was sacked by a controlling little dweeb.

Give it 15 years and it will be a crime to think in a unpolitically correct way.


  • edited January 2011
    TBH he always annoyed me anyway, however sky are all whiter than white so their employees know the rules, im only shocked that Keys didn't gat the same fate, he was as bad. I felt sorry for the assistant ref, it should have been the happiest day of her job and they ruined it by putting intolerable pressure on her. She cant be any worse than the men refs anyway, andy grey is always finding fault with them after using super slow motion HD 5 angle cameras. Should women be allowed to do this? of course they should! if it was amateur then maybe they have a case, but this is professional, and they are paid wages so why must they be excluded from an occupation if they have the correct qualifications. I think the sack is a bit too far though, maybe a warning would have been more appropriate, but thats skys decision not ours. Oh and im one of the most unpolitically correct blokes you could meet, just ask the wife, shes in the kitchen where she belongs lol
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Andy gray:
    TBH he always annoyed me anyway, however sky are all whiter than white so their employees know the rules, im only shocked that Keys didn't gat the same fate, he was as bad. I felt sorry for the assistant ref, it should have been the happiest day of her job and they ruined it by putting intolerable pressure on her. She cant be any worse than the men refs anyway, andy grey is always finding fault with them after using super slow motion HD 5 angle cameras. Should women be allowed to do this? of course they should! if it was amateur then maybe they have a case, but this is professional, and they are paid wages so why must they be excluded from an occupation if they have the correct qualifications. I think the sack is a bit too far though, maybe a warning would have been more appropriate, but thats skys decision not ours. Oh and im one of the most unpolitically correct blokes you could meet, just ask the wife, shes in the kitchen where she belongs lol
    Posted by loonytoons
  • edited January 2011
    The assistant ref was a proper munter! Not sure she would make me hard, even if she popped it in her gob.

    Shame for Andy Gray though....The Sexism line is being used as an excuse (imo)

    That said, I hope they replace him and Keys with a couple of really fit birds, with MASSIVE jugs and lots of bending over and bottom shots on-air.
  • edited January 2011
    Its a witch hunt! ..  he only said what 99% of men was thinking when they saw/heard it was a woman, by sounds of it he was just joking with him when he thought the mike was off and they making a massive deal out of it  , as you say loony its a shame that it probably spoilt her big day but she must of known she would get it when she decided to be a linesMan(sorry refs assistant)

    If i was going to take up netball or synchronized swimming i'd expect some light mocking too
  • edited January 2011
    Im with loonybin here never liked him, found him quite annoying

    i dont mind what the reason for sacking him is.... at least he'll be of my fifa now!
  • edited January 2011

    He is a legend, the best football commentator of my life-time. The coverage will be alot worse-off without him.

    Andy lad,   "Take a bow son."!
  • edited January 2011
    JJ no he isn't, biased towards Cheski, Man U . even tottenham, total opposite never gives arsenal credit

    does my nut in
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Andy gray:
    JJ no he isn't, biased towards Cheski, Man U . even tottenham, total opposite never gives arsenal credit does my nut in
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    Credit for what exactly? They aint won owt for years.

    Biased Arsenal fan, off to area51.

    He's actually biased towards Aston Villa.
  • edited January 2011
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzz and im not an arsenal fan lol
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Andy gray:
    Im with loonybin here never liked him, found him quite annoying i dont mind what the reason for sacking him is.... at least he'll be of my fifa now!
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    spot on   liverpool fans rejoyce throughout the land    i,am sure everton will have a job for him  LOL
  • edited January 2011
    LINESWOMAN SIAN MASSEY,S NEW nickname is  JUST FOR MEN. she was only used once and now THE GRAY IS GONE.
  • ybyb
    edited January 2011
    I was gutted when I found out he had been sacked. Sky made a big mistake imo, who's gonna be watching the pre-match build up from 7-8 on monday night football now? All the other pundits they get on are always so boring (apart from redknapp).

    The man is a legend, he deserves a knighthood.
  • edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: Andy gray:
    The man is a legend, he deserves a knighthood.
    Posted by yb
    Could not agree more. Would love to see him in management now. Not many pundits can lace is boots when it comes to analysis.
  • edited January 2011
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