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Finding myself in this sort of spot a lot lately getting flat called and then getting kicked in the backside . Not long on the table so not to much info.
My pre flop raise is flat called to the flop with flush draw and possible straight showing. UTG, so bets out with a pot size bet. One call and an all-in, i feel i have to call the remaining £1.16 which is also called by player b. Not sure if the bet on the flop was correct play, and again what to do with the turn.
Any advise or criticism would be appreciated guys.
MacacanSmall blind £0.05£0.05£23.94aBig blind £0.10£0.15£15.87 Your hole cardsAA b
Call £0.10£0.25£15.91cCall £0.10£0.35£4.91Time_BombFold kazjadestaCall £0.10£0.45£16.66MacacanRaise £0.70£1.15£23.24aCall £0.65£1.80£15.22bCall £0.65£2.45£15.26cCall £0.65£3.10£4.26kazjadestaFold Flop 958 MacacanBet £3.10£6.20£20.14aFold bCall £3.10£9.30£12.16cAll-in £4.26£13.56£0.00MacacanCall £1.16£14.72£18.98bCall £1.16£15.88£11.00Turn 5
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if your beat on that board after your preflop raise would be very unlucky
Obviously this isn't always a get it in, depends on reads but prefer getting it in to start playing passive
there are more drawing hands your beating than hands your beat by so just get the max from his draws