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Check? Raise? or Fold? (Your Big Blind Decisions)
A lot of the time I seem to get into trouble when i'm on the BB - for instance I may be holding absolutely nowt 59off for example, I decide to check and flop comes 5K9, I 3/4 pot bet and turn comes J and low and behold i'm now in a whole heap of trouble and consistently leaking chips.
Lets say we are holding nowt and four or more players flat call round to us, we now have the opportunity to check, raise or fold.
What are your thoughts on how to play from here?
Is our next move influenced by our own table image? (Tight, Loose or Passive)
Is our next move influenced by other players table image or a combination of both?
Please discuss how you would make your play in this possition and what factors we should consider before making our play.
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Alot of post flop play if you miss i would fold unless you are heads up pot and your against someone you have a good read on. Also you should always take into account your villains image if you want to outplay them post flop eg. dont try out playing a limper/caller
I think an underused tool is raising into limpers, most of the time you will get a few to lay down and hopefully get heads up. Also if you hit hard as your example, its better against one or two players than three or four.
Obviously, you cant do this a lot, but used sparingly, you would be surprised how many times it gets through.
Sometimes there is nowt you can do, but get your self into a situation that means you are going to leak chips, not a lot you can do about it, im afraid.
You could always fold on the BB lol.
get rid of the limpers first,see the flop and re evalueate from there
I do this if i think its a good spot
i have to agree here, as soon as theres a limper, no matter what i raise (usually x3,4) they still call...
no idea where i am at this point
I raise to the limpers 3-4xBB which to be fair is only 120chips if the BB is 30. So we get at least 3 or 4 more callers to our raise, we then try a 1/2 or 3/4 pot raise only to be called again by at least 1 or 2 - we still don't know where we are and are either forced to check, fold to any bet or throw out a C-Bet and hope we are still ahead.
Perhaps in these early levels folding the BB pre-flop is the best option.
so raise with ur rag hand,but dont get carried away with the flop,if u hit hard ,2pair,on a dry flop,an overbet as u might get paid off,suprisingly quite often,with a rag ace,but chances are u are ahead.
on a wet flop bet out,but the chances are you,ll get called,or even pushed on,so then reevalueate.
dont know if this is correct,but hey i always try to play to win.
always remember its still early on,u cant win it then,but u can lose it
hope this helps