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Can I have a little Rant please?

edited February 2011 in The Shed
Right - I normally finish at 3.00pm on a Friday and get straight onto the PC to play a little Poker, however, some fast courier service (My Rr's) is supposed to be delivering a package, I went to online tracking and it says it should be delivered before 5pm. (very unlikely) but I have decided to wait just in case, but seriously, if I am waiting here until 5pm and it doesn't arrive, I will be one very unhappy bunny.

I could have played at least 4 DYM games by now, I think i'm getting withdrawal symptoms and as far as I am aware you can't buy any patches to stick on your arm or inhalers or chewing gum to help you overcome these problems either.

I just checked with the carrier again, apparently "your parcel has been transferred to a third party courier as your destination is outside our usual delivery area" WHAT??????????? I live in the west midlands, in case you never noticed, its smack! bang! in the middle of the country (Almost) its not like I live in the outer hebredes.

what sort of courier company doesn't deliver to the west midland for Crikes Sakes!

Its now 4.01pm and he isnt here yet - So heres hoping.

Ps - If anyone else would like to leave a little rant please do so (within moderation)    


  • edited January 2011
    erm grrrrrrrrrrrrr that ones for you trev!
  • edited January 2011
    Moderation you want is it? , whats so fluppin good about moder firkination is what I'd like to floppin know!! All them flopwit flapheads that say everthing is good in moderation want to get a fluppin life mate!!  Excess is where the fun starts, not fluppin moderation!! Drink in moderation? where's the fun in that then eh?--- eh?  flops sake!!--- Swearing in moderation?-- whats the flurpin point? If you want to swear at someone, do it fluppin properly, call them every name under the sun for flops sake, if they deserve to be sworn at, rip the flopwits to fluppin pieces I say, moderflopwitation, it's just stupid!!!---- I suppose these idiot nerds have fluppin s ex in moderation too!!-- get as much as you fluppin can m8 I say, If she won't do it, do it your flippin self, innit !!!--- dingdongs!!--- Moderation should be put up against the fluppin wall and firkin SHOT mate!!!--- So stick yer moderfluppination up yer moderately fluppin dark place!!!!--- FLAPWITS!!!!!
  • edited February 2011
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