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edited February 2011 in The Shed
Hi all,
sorry I been away for a while, but been super busy, then we ( me and expoacher) went to Amsterdam for my birthday.... Oh before I forget, THANK YOU to Sky poker for my five pound birthday gift..... im sure it will go to good use, MAYBE it will enable me to win a big game....... hmmmmmmm

Anyways, I wanted to share my amazing news....
when in Amsterdam, i seen some awesome stuff, the Van Gogh museum was just one of them, Then we went a strolling along Amstel canal, where I was blown away... after walking along the canal for about an hour, Expoacher asked if i wanted my birthday pressy, ....let me think..... YES!!!
"well you best sit down then"....reaching into his pocket, i wasnt paying much attention, my focus was on taking photos.....but then, i turned to look at him and he was on bended knee....and NOT cos he was tying his laces euther..!! :-) of course I said a big fat YES!!!
so I have been floating on air since last thursday.... I didnt wanna spend ages typing out seperate emails to the guys and gals on my friends list, so i thought what better than to start another thread of.....

Anyways, thats my news
Happy days
Hope your all well......



  • edited January 2011

    When I read the thread title I thought you were gonna tell us you had passed your driving test !!!!


    Congrats to you both!!! - I hope you have many happy years together! 

    Can you tell us more about the wonderful sights in Amsterdam plz? ;)


  • edited January 2011
    its the Amsterdam 'cakes' that did it, made him all hallucinogenic, he obviously wasn't feeling himself.
  • edited February 2011
    GREAT NEWS  smiler271,congrats to you both xxx
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    Congrats smiler, enjoy your day
  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    Congratulations :)
    Posted by BananaDog

    thank you for the congrats message.... its taken a little while to sink in, but I think its hit me now, and I am STILL smilling !!! :)

  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    When I read the thread title I thought you were gonna tell us you had passed your driving test !!!! Lol Congrats to you both!!! - I hope you have many happy years together!  Can you tell us more about the wonderful sights in Amsterdam plz? ;) xxx
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    LOL...nah sorry, NOT quite yet.... I sit my test on 25h Feb at 13.45 and cant wait to pass!!! I did however pass my theory on 5th January, ( not sure if i mentioned this or not?) I didnt get to high a mark on the multiple choice section, but done good on the hazard perception section, even if  i do go up a one way road the wrong way I will be able to spot the hazards ahead of me i guess)

    As for letting you know more about Amsterdam,.....well it was brill, sights were interesting,.  canals were plentyfull, as were coffee shops, and many other retail outlets alike

    But all in all it was a lush place, if you havent been, id recomend it to ANYONE!!!

  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    GREAT NEWS  smiler271,congrats to you both xxx
    Posted by paige55
    THANKS :) Ive been in a bit of a weird mood since that day, but in a great way of course..... no matter how bad uni has got, or how busy my placement has been, i am taking it all quite well and not showing any levels of stress....... lol....must be cos I am floating on cloud 9
  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    its the Amsterdam 'cakes' that did it, made him all hallucinogenic, he obviously wasn't feeling himself.
    Posted by loonytoons
    hahahahha NOPE, didnt venture near ANY type of cakes or pastries!!! :)
    It was the fact that he is extremely lucky to have such an outstanding Lady like me, and is very fortunate to be as cared for and loved in such a way he never wants to let it go....hense the proposal ( heheheheheh)
  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
     Woooooooo Hoooooooooo  better than passing test Great news Happy Happy Happy woooooooo !!
    Posted by logdon
    As for the test, well the practical is on 25th Feb, so not long now!!!!
    Theory is passed now and lessons are underway again, with a GREAT female instructor! and im feeling realy confident about this whole month and year ahead too :)

  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    Posted by walesboy
    THANKS :)
  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    Congrats smiler, enjoy your day
    Posted by silentbob
    Thanks :)
  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!: look too young to be getting married, I just can't get this picture out of my mind of you bouncing down the aisle in a baby walker to the tune of the wedding march and all your guests and the vicar all grinning and saying 'Ahhhh.........bless, don't she look cute in that frilly jump-suit!'.

    Sincere congratulations to you both, with all my best wishes ........Billy.   
  • edited February 2011
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!!:
    In Response to Re: WOW WAT A DAY!!!! : look too young to be getting married, I just can't get this picture out of my mind of you bouncing down the aisle in a baby walker to the tune of the wedding march and all your guests and the vicar all grinning and saying 'Ahhhh.........bless, don't she look cute in that frilly jump-suit!'. Sincere congratulations to you both, with all my best wishes ........Billy.   
    Posted by billyboots

    well thank you :)
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