When I first started playing with Sky I was relatively new to the game, so I LOVED the interactivity of the T.V Channel and how educational it was because it helped my game no end. However, those days have gone now, and as a result I (along with many others, as I found out at DTD last weekend) have become bored with The Open and the Five-00 and the novelty has simply worn away from me. This is primarily because, IMO, the shows that are aired are aimed at the beginners.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with this. I'm more than happy for Sky to keep producing those tv shows the way they are because it keeps bringing new blood to the site (and new blood usually means more dead money

). But, as Tikay and others keep saying on The Open these days, the standard of play on the site is getting much better and is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was when it first opened. So, why can't we have a show or two that will appeal to the more advanced players on the site? Shows where we can hear Banin explain Reverse Implied Odds in incredible detail, or Giddens go on about Hand Equity?
I got a little fed up of hearing our presenters & analysts constantly repeat themselves about how we should "get our money in first". It's good for the beginners to learn that, but it's useless to us guys that have been with you since the early going. Poker is unique in that you never stop learning, but at the moment I get the impression that the more advanced players aren't developing their game anymore because we continue to hear the same stuff.
Has anybody got any ideas on what sort of show Sky could produce that would fit the bill?
Something like the Sky Poker School, Pass Plus!! Except at an earlier time possibly? I personally would really like to hear Norman's take on some more advanced moves and how Tikay can lay down aces on the button!!
You can tell some presenters want to make more advanced comments but they tend to get squished and once you do advance a bit, it does become repetitive to hear apologies for presenters mentioning more advanced concepts.
Well I can only speak for myself Guys, but "I hear you".
The Presenters & Analysts deliver their commentary & advice in a manner that is required to be on-brand, & in accordance with channel 865 Policies. And we do have a remit to ensure trhat our less experienced players don't get disenfranchised either by high-level poler jargon, or advanced game theory. (I hope you all watched Sky Poker School - how good was that?).
Havuing said all that, we are alllowed a degree of freedom to Present & Analyse as we see fit, so in my owm case, I'll bear your comments in mind.
Do please remember though that we are a broad church, & that the range of viewers is very wide. We get viewers writing in & asking "what does UTG mean?", and we also get questions thst involve ICM, Fold Equity, & floating. so it's sa tough ask to please everyone.
But as I say, I hear you.
The powers that be have sat down at some stage, and gone through what the aims and objectives are of Sky Poker and came to the decision that they wanted a site/programme that improves players that either not played before or have been playing a while but still have not moved forward so to speek, and to be able to do that, they probably thought that they needed to set out in policy on what was needed.
Being an Ex Tutor I can fully understand that this is a great idea, my reason for this is that when trying to teach absolute begginers the rudiments of the game, what hands are best to be played where and when, when to bet and not etc. unfortunately as I found when tutoring there were people on the course who had some knowledge even a lot of knowledge on what I taught, so had to ask for there indulgence while I twittered on.
It therefor became apparent that a more advanced course be set up to look more deeply into what was being taught to beginners.
I wonder if therefore it may be an idea for the suits to look again at the aims and objectives of Sky Poker taking into account the more advances players and maybe as an idea incorperate more advanced play into something like Poker School ?
Just a thought or two
Cheers acebarry
Appreciate your comments... I think one of the benefits of having the forum is that we will now be able to draw your attention to shows that actually already fulfill some if not all of your ideas.
I have actually produced shows with Ed Giddins where we focussed on Implied and Reverse implied odds, hand equity, percentage chances of drawing hands etc - and there's more to come!
Ed will be moving to Friday, and it will become a show for our "old school" players who have climbed the ranks - and just can't get enough!
Sky Poker School also features some of the greatest players - Triple crown Roland De Wolfe, Neil Channing and Marty Smyth discussing their strategy for the intermediate player.
I'm in the process of "workingup" the next season - so if you want anything to be featured the post it on this thread and I will do my utmost to include it.
Great idea phil12uk - I will make sure that we do this on the 26th.
Why dont you put a dvd together of the Sky Poker School and sell it to the masses.
I'd buy it
People will still have fold equity at this stage of the game a so it will enable us to see when a good fold or a good bluff happens either of which can make the difference whether reaching the final table.
Can do you one better - I'll post the schedule when MMT CASH and STT are shown in their respective groups so that you can Sky plus them.... ;-)