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POKER AND CHARDONNAY (yidette9’s delicious cocktail)
This, my 2nd thread, is dedicated to Denis, the IRISH ROVER to celebrate his return to the forum.
Further to my 1st ever thread about how much I enjoy playing online skypoker, this is my HONEST account of my experience of LIVE poker play.
My gorgeous better (???) half Budgirl … and yes he IS a man!! Taught me how to play poker about 8 months ago, letting me watch him at first and then let me loose into the big wide world of 30p DYM’s on my own ….. And so, I had my own skypoker account …..
Yes, yes, yes …… yidette9 was born !!!
Even though I say so myself, I picked it up pretty quickly and even started to question some of Budgirl’s poker moves (ooooops!)
He kept going on about how much better it was to play “live” and although I was intrigued, I was in no rush to get out there. After a few weeks more play he pleaded with me to have a go in a live tourney, saying that I was more than ready to see some “real poker faces!!”
So, off we went to Gcasino Bolton … just to shut him up !!!
Jeepers Creepers, he took me into the poker room and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I saw what seemed like hundreds of BIG MEN huddled around tables. I thought we had walked into a mafia meeting (absolutely no disrespect to all you lovely kind gentlemen who are reading this now). But I did promise to be honest !!!
Needless to say, I didn’t play that night and I felt like such a wuss on the way home.
A couple of weeks later, after being ordered out of the house by the kids who had planned a party, I agreed to try again at “the live thing”
This time we went to Circus Casino Liverpool and I wanted to play until we got there. Budgirl, knowing my love for the odd glass of plonk took my hand and dragged me to the bar……
So there we were …. Me, Budgirl and a HUGE bottle of chilled Chardonnay!!!!
With only seconds to spare (and half a glass of plonk down my neck!) before the tourney started, I agreed to take part. Oh dear, he was about to waste £25 on me ….. And so I became the last person to enter making 99 runners in total,
So, I took my seat, next to the dealer, who promised Budgirl that she would look after me and explain what to do as we went along. Behind my chair I had my own little table, on it was perched my friend Miss Chardonnay (glass and bottle!!!) so I guess I felt safe and comforted, Budgirl was on a different table (I was glad about that). I decided to limit myself to 1 sip of wine per every hand that was dealt. Sensible or what ?????
BUT ….. Chardonnay is my favourite wine and it tasted SO SO SO GOOD !!!!
My nerves started to settle and I actually started to enjoy myself. The guys on my table were very friendly and welcomed me into their banter. Budgirl kept coming over to check on me until 1 of the guys on my table told him to go back to his own game and that I would be alright with them.
I played my game, drank more and more wine until the bottle was empty. Oh no, I needed a plan, I found one and yes, it worked. A little flutter of my long eyelashes in Budgirl’s direction and there it was … another full glass of you now what!!!!
So the tournament continued and I found myself in a cash position. Little by little, I kept grinding away in my usual online poker style and more and more players were being knocked out. So, I felt very proud that the £25 he had spent on my buy-in was now more than covered (even though he had donked his away!!). He continued to rail me, at the same time asking me to slow down my liquid intake, but again I found my glass empty so out came the eyelash flutter!!! Putty in my poker hands (ha ha!!!!)
I was by far the short stack when I sat at the final table and my 1st hand was AQ(clubs), I went all-in with my 12000 chips (I was in early position), next player snap calls me, Big Blind then re-raises all-in creating a massive pot. Our cards were shown. BB had AA, the other player has QQ.
Flop came A, 2(clubs), 5. Turn 7(clubs) and River J(clubs) giving me the flush and I tripled up.
I sat tight for a while after that and gradually other players went out and it seemed that we played 4 handed for ages.
Then I found myself with 99 in the big blind. Chip leader raises off the button so I called. Flop gave A,K,10 check,check. Turn 4, I check, chip daddy puts me all-in. I was getting tired by this time and with no more wine allowed, I decide to call. He was holding 55, river came a blank or have I just forgotten what the river card was maybe?? I had already put my coat on; ready to leave when our cards were turned over. Ooops!!! Off came the coat and yidette9 doubled up and a mountain of chips came in my direction. There were so many chips, I couldn’t keep them in stacks, they kept falling over(or perhaps that was just my co-ordination not working to its full potential!!)
A few hands later, I raise from the button with Q,10 off suit (well, it got rid of one of my stacks of chips!!! Big Blind who was 2nd in chips flat calls. Flop was A,9,4 and big blind checks. I am not really sure what my thoughts were at that point but somewhere along the lines of “oh, well, I’ve had a nice night and won some cash” so I shove all-in. Big blind snap calls me and again the coat goes on and I am ready to go home. Then our cards were shown. He was holding A,9 and sporting a huge smile all across his face until the turn card came showing K and then the river very kindly gave me a J.
The man I had just beaten got a little upset (to say the least!!) and even asked me if I had realised that I had won, Yes, he spat his dummy out so far it flew across the casino so far that it nearly cracked a mirror behind the bar!!! By this time, there was a large crowd of people around the table and a casino official even sat at the table too!!! I thought they had come to make sure I wasn’t cheating!!!!
So, unable to control my ever increasing mountain of chips, let alone Budgirl’s excitement and laughter and although the coat was once again well and truly off, I agreed with the other 2 players that they could split 2nd and 3rd place and I take the win as well as tipping the dealers,
This, I did and Budgirl rushed me to the cashier to collect my winnings. £1045 after giving the dealers £50 as a tip. Budgirl kept tight hold of my hand and we ran out of the casino. He later explained that we ran because he thought there might have been some very upset people outside waiting for me!!!
So, there you have it, my truly honest account of playing poker live
Any of you want to take me on ?????
Thank you for taking time to read this, especially you IRISH ROVER. I am so pleased that you are back
Love, best wishes and big smiles to you all
Lorraine x
PS I had best hand when i went out!!!!!!!!!!!
Chardonnay FTW
That might be my problem, I don't tend to drink when I play
Dohhhhhh might have a thought on this!!
excellent & honest & very funny thread/post wd .
Funny enough Mrs irishrover / irishraver sat next to me last night while i played
7.15pm deepstack .
I am trying once again to teach Irishraver this beautiful game
we call poker .
we discussed some starting hands & some betting moves as we progressed.
Raver even went against my thought process,
on one or two bets that i was going to do .
I took ravers advice ,
which actually doubled me up in chips at one stage .
I actually ended up cashing & coming 9th thanks to raver lol .
p.s. & after 4 hours ,
never once did a frying pan cross her hands ,
amazing lol .
One sip every hand dealt - Bet you were smashed by the end
But rake excluded of course lol !
pmsl n1 !
I've only played live a couple of times while on holiday in Vegas a couple of months after I started playing. Just cash games. I was very nervous and from what I can remember had a coupe of shandys!!. I am aiming to get to a Skypoker one at some point as they have always sounded good and friendly.
Might see you there, you never know.
Lorraine, that is a superb post. It has been a great read. And I thought Blackpool had been your first live game or was that BG just winding me up! See you on tables (Biggie sats?).