Posted this in general poker chat earlier. fact it is HU to win 90 runner tourney must count for something. He was 1.34% after flop. Pretty good eh!
Thought I would post below, isn't there some sort of bad beat league. HU in 90 odd runner bounty hunter yesterday and this happened......
Not looking for sympathy (actually I think I am) was worth about £30 so no big deal. If it was worth hundreds not sure I would have got over it so quickly. Actually as I am posting this I am obviously not over it, but I will be soon.
In Response to Re: The Best Bad Beat...Prize Monday night B/H : i think you may be mistaken... and my blog,was so last year.... in fact it was probably at least a year ago i was spouting i do sometimes,or did until i learnt how to play poker...properly... and that was before PMA... and stoke man that i think is a classic....and definately in first postion for the prize so Posted by djblacke04
runner kk runner qq the difference is ???????????????????????????????
In Response to Re: The Best Bad Beat...Prize Monday night B/H : i dont see it in here..and believe it or not was 2% not quite as bad as stokie s.... Posted by djblacke04
Rivered quad kings beat RosJim's aces full of kings. The percentage when the money went in might not match Stoke's, but surely the fact that this was on the ft of by far the most valuable tourney on the site surely gives it more weight?
In Response to Re: The Best Bad Beat...Prize Monday night B/H : runner kk runner qq the difference is ??????????????????????????????? Posted by murphey
the difference is.....any jack made him a straight 4 more outs +8%
and precisely why i started this explain more about odds......
Rivered quad kings beat RosJim's aces full of kings. The percentage when the money went in might not match Stoke's, but surely the fact that this was on the ft of by far the most valuable tourney on the site surely gives it more weight? I think a vote will be needed to seperate them. Posted by GaryQQQ
well you can give it to rosjim for me,mine was in a 2 quid donkament rosjim,s soul must be crushed yet he went out dignity..ul rosjim, you,ll be back even better m8
Please do not call other players names when you are posting hand histories. I have reposted the two hands without your comments.
Many thanks.
Sky Mod4
Hand History #344477119 (00:37 22/02/2011)
Hand History #344376092 (21:29 21/02/2011)
Thought I would post below, isn't there some sort of bad beat league. HU in 90 odd runner bounty hunter yesterday and this happened......
Not looking for sympathy (actually I think I am) was worth about £30 so no big deal. If it was worth hundreds not sure I would have got over it so quickly. Actually as I am posting this I am obviously not over it, but I will be soon.
Probably hurt a little more!
I think a vote will be needed to seperate them.
it did sting
In Response to Re: The Best Bad Beat...Prize Monday night B/H: