Million Dollar Cash game.
Feldman raises UTG with 44.
Ivey Flats from the BB and Antonius flats from the Straddle.
Pot $11,500.
Flop 6sAc4H
Ivey checks, Antonius checks, Feldman checks behind.
Ivey bets 8k, Antonius calls 8k, Feldman raises to 23k. Ivey folds, Antonius calls.
Antonius leads for $16k. Feldman tanks and flat calls.
And this guy is meant to be a high stakes reg? Actually unbelievable to flat call in this spot.
Can there be ANY justification for flatting in this spot?
I cannot see a hand that Antonius can have that beats us here that he wouldn't have either raised Iveys turn bet or Feldmans re-raise on the turn.
As if Antonius would lead out for only $16 if he had made a house on the river too.
I cannot get over how bad that flat call is. Am i being overly critical? Should I STFU as I'm a 50nl reg and Feldman is playin the Million Dollar Cash game? Thoughts people?
If Antonius has A6 or JJ here, it is a cooler and you are meant to do your stack. Period. You shrug, say that's life, and move on to the next one. You can't be a hero and try and get off because he might have you beat. The one thing I could perhaps say in his defence is, with his reputation absolutely nothing is calling him that he beats, with the possible exception of trip 6's- but is Antonius really going to the river with that? Unlikely. So any raise on the river is resulting in a fold, unless he has A6 or JJ. Again, another downpoint for nittiness- any bet basically telegraphs your hand in spots like this.
Having said that, Feldman looks like a maniac genius compared to Zeidman... I absolutely detest his game so, so, so much. He butchers the game, let alone hands.
when feldman checks flop n reraise turn you have to put him on AA JJ 66 44 and that is it
Anyway, he's built his bankroll so he must be pretty good online at least - I better get back to building up my miniscule roll lol!!
But, i think some of you are being too harsh on the guy. he has made it to a massive tv cash game and that takes some doing. He must have a very good game to get that far, but he is not necessarily suited to that company/ stakes.
fair play to the guy, i would love to have a chance to play those guys at those stakes and i couldnt care less if i was called a nit, or terrible.
Fwiw, i prob flat call the river too. No surprise there. However, i would have bet the flop!
When he gets aces against Ivey (who has 33) he tanked for like an ice age on a smallish river bet from Ivey, when Ivey had shown basically no interest in the hand up to that point. Matusow played his aces like an absolute nit, and then massively nitrolled Ivey at the end- his face when Matusow turned his aces and tried to justify his tanking was just priceless, it's on season 5 episode 2 of million dollar cash game, well worth a watch. He's diabolical.
Also funny to watch Ivey roast Feldman every time they enter a pot together.
he has like 6$mil plus in winnings, has a sick house in Bushey and drives an R8.
haterz gonna hate obv
mehhhhh if an average 1/2 player got staked for that game in macau and made $10mil then he is still just an average 1/2 player skillwise but hes obv super successfull because of how much money hes made
basically what feldman is, succesfull but not that good. (plus bit of a shady past on old btf)