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Anyone else feeling sick of getting beaten by quads with aweful regularity on this site?
I've only ever seen quads a handful of times in clubs, yet in this place it's every day... and i don't even play for that long!!!!!!!
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stick to holdem!!
i have had quads in 3 different games at once...
it is not unusual for duads to come.. infact it is sometimes overkill from an already winning hand when someone all-in
However, sky is below my 'club' estimate, I appreciate that now; I had a bloody awful run of luck when I wrote the above moan, I lost 80 - 100 squid in a week, lost to quads at least 10 times, 3 times in one night!! Had to vent, cheers for the replies tho... unexpected
but thats usually after ive had a few shandys