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how many runners are needed for 6th place to cash on the following tourneys please
1 min roulette / 1500 chips speed & £2-20 deepys
please could someone could help me with this as it would be very much appreciated & very helpful b4 i enter the speed tourneys
below are examples of 4x £30 speed payouts with 29 / 32 / 45 / & 58 entrants all i have played in
| Place | Prize | Heads Taken | Head Value | Chips | Table |
No Players | Loading... | Player NameW | PlaceW | PrizeW | Heads TakenW | Head ValueW | ChipsW | TableW | nathan1988 | 1 | £15 + 10 League Points | 43500 | | ige | 2 | £9 + 8 League Points | 0 | | tayo_mufc | 3 | £6 + 6 League Points | 0 | | play4fun | 4 | 4 League Points | 0 | | DTWBANDIT | 5 | 2 League Points | 0 | | WARDY268 | 6 |
29 entrants above
| Place | Prize | Heads Taken | Head Value | Chips | Table |
No Players | Loading... | Player NameW | PlaceW | PrizeW | Heads TakenW | Head ValueW | ChipsW | TableW | DEADMAN914 | 1 | £12.80 + 10 League Points | 48000 | | HENRY_HILL | 2 | £8 + 8 League Points | 0 | | RATFINDER | 3 | £4.80 + 6 League Points | 0 | | 5cardbluff | 4 | £3.52 + 4 League Points | 0 | | fabrab | 5 | £2.88 + 2 League Points | 0 | | DTWBANDIT | 6 | |
32 entrants above
| 1 | £18 + 10 League Points | 67500 | |
kev561 | 2 | £11.25 + 8 League Points | 0 | |
CHARLIE152 | 3 | £6.75 + 6 League Points | 0 | |
bestford03 | 4 | £4.95 + 4 League Points | 0 | |
TommyA | 5 | £4.05 + 2 League Points | 0 | |
ALLAW | 6 | |
45 entrants above
| 1 | £17.40 + 15 League Points | 87000 | |
medic | 2 | £11.60 + 12 League Points | 0 | |
MAGRANGER | 3 | £8.12 + 10 League Points | 0 | |
twist15931 | 4 | £5.80 + 8 League Points | 0 | |
heellloooo | 5 | £4.64 + 6 League Points | 0 | |
gooligan | 6 | £4.06 + 4 League Points | 0 | |
mikano | 7 | £3.48 + 3 League Points | 0 | |
BigH276 | 8 | £2.90 + 2 League Points |
58 entrants above
as you can see i'm a bit confused
many thanks
0 ·
1/10 2 GET PAID
11/29 3 GET PAID
30/49 5 GET PAID
50/69 8 GET PAID
70/99 10 GET PAID
100 20 GET PAID
cheers for that kiwi & badboy tho on speed tourney's would it not be better to may change the 3 to 4 & 5 to 6 so if you get to final table at least u know you will have some cash then next jump would still be 8