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Is this is a call or fold in a DYM?
i cant see your stack which effects my answer.
If he has you covered i call and risk a flip as we're short,
If we have him covered small i fold.
If im bigger than anyone i call.
So situational.
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All views welcome - especially from the likes of Shanxta, JohnConner and all the regs, I'm really trying to perfect my dym game atm so all advice and opinions gratefully received!
Easy call with your chips behind imo.
He has 900 left, you are priced in. Just hope ur racing and that he misses his overcards, then cash. easy game.
you gotta know when you raise pre that if that guy shoves u call! make your decision before you raise, innit.
If you didnt want this decision, then shove, or fold pre!
Thanks for the lightning quick replies guys.
I did call - he had AQ and didn't hit, but I just wanted re-assurance that it was the right play - although if Gregg's 100% calling then I guess it's a no brainer! 8- />
If you are not prepared to call a reshove here against either of the shortstacks then why make it 450? You are hardly bluffing with 99!
A fold preflop is the only other viable option imo. But this fold would mean that you are worrying about the bubble.. never good. Be brave on the bubble imo. The only time i would open fold pre is if it a crazy loose table and the other stacks will most likely clash and knock each other out.
are you... dare i say it... asking the question??? lol
no-ones perfect spikey
and with 2000+ dym games behind me on this site showing a nice profit im more than qualified innit
im not saying my advice is right, or am tellin any1 they have to listen to me. jmo
99 is a strong hand, and you are risking ~27% of your stack to outright finish the tournament.
you will rarely see me raise fold in dyms! this is because when i raise i want my opponants to think they have no fold equity
when i raise, i mean business innit! my decision is made preflop dependant on the stacks and players.
coxy has it spot on imo
If you lose this hand your doubling him up, putting him back into it and dragging yourself back into the game when you don,t need to
If it was an MTT or STT then its a different story and I,m calling it all day long