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had my littleboy some how manage to unlock the back door and do a runner.....spent 20min looking for him had the police out and every1 i could.....found him at the bottom of my mums road just round the corner saying he was going to the shops toget sweets lol little shhhhhh has to be the scaryest momment in my life
if you have small kids please remember than can do more than we think so just look out
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That's nothing.
My local chinese was engaged for half an hour the other night.
when my middle boy was little he was like a monkey climbing out of his cot all the time so we had to put him in a bed early...then he climbed up the side of his brothers bunkbed so we put a chest of draws at the end to stop him...then he climbed up the handles on the chest of draws so we had to put a flat piece of wood on the end of the bunkbed......
then one night we lost him!!!!
I was in a massive panick....he was fast asleep underneath my bed!!!!
I know what you must have felt like....when your heart is in your throat!
Had similar prob recently where my 5yr old decided to walk home from school on his own despite me waiting in the playground. Nearly had heart attack while looking for him.
So my sympathies
you ok bud ?
My sister was obv panicking like mad, but luckily 1/2 hour later they were reunited. she said that was the scariest moment in her life too ckd.
My niece is now 10 and supports Sheffield Wednesday!
They never did find any real solid reason it happened. They think he had some kind of panic attack, and that if he had passed right out everything would have relaxed and he'd have started breathing again straight away, but that scared the **** out of us.