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I have always played dyms a lot more than any other format of the game and i did ok, making a small profit. All this has changed since i started playing more and more mtts, my mtt game has come on leaps and bounds and i regularly cash and am starting to have a nice profit for the first time ever, however my dym game has become awful going from a profit to 100 quid down! Is this just coincidence or could i be struggling to change my style of play from mtt mode to dym mode?? Also i have been multitabling mtts and dyms at the same time, is this a bad thing that could have something to do with my severe drop in form in the dyms???
I'm at a loss here, i used to love playing dyms but find myself avoiding them more often than not now, so any advice will be much appreciated, should i have a couple of nights where i only play dyms???? HELP
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I know exactly what you are going through (re..the higher level blinds and still 5 people left etc...)
I was trying to play dym in the day and cash in the evenings and weekends to move over slowly and was also struggling with the different styles of play.
Since I picked 1 game type I have won more and felt more confident, maybe you should try that (even just for a set period of time) to see if it makes a difference.
If you really still want to play the dym's then maybe have a look at the more 'annoying' hands in hand history to evaluate whats going wrong....if you are just being unlucky or if you are playing the hands differntly now you are also playing mtts.
gl honey xxxx
Also +1 to dudeskin8 cos DYM's are very very very boring
Hi Waller,
I've gone through similar stages like you where I've grinded thousands of dym's but then had some big cashes in mtts and my dym success went downhill. There is a definite different play style between the 2 disciplines. Some days I found I couldn't mult-table both styles at once and found the best way was to have a day of just mtts or just dyms. However, now I've been able to separate them and play both with reasonable success. I multi-table with my laptop and 2 screens, keep 1 screen for up to 4 dym's and the other for up to 2 mtts and play completely different for both screens. It's not easy at first but can be done and yes, you can still enjoy playing the adrenalin of final tabling a massive tournament or just playing super tight and surviving a dym. I also, see it as a way of cashing in a dym to afford paying for the mtt which normally has a lower cash rate.
Good luck with whatever you end up deciding is your favoured game style. If your highly profitable at mtt, stick with it and earn as much as you can while its going well, if you end up back on dym's and are successful then can't win at mtt's then you've wasted your time. It normally comes in waves, lets hope you ride on the crest for some time longer.
I think you already know how to adjust your game from MTT,s to DYM,s , but as they have become more popular there is more advice out there on how to play them.
a few months ago if you doubled up early you were almost guarenteed to cash w/o playing a hand , but nowadays more ppl are staying in until the blinds reach a level where you find yourself having to play again and it turning into a shove fest
One thing I would recommend is not playing to many tables at once as you have to concentrate a bit more on the trends of the other players
There's some pretty good advice on this thread already so I just thought I would put down a few specifics that could possibly have 'slipped' in your DYM game since you've been playing more MTTs. These are from personal experience:
Consider the range of hands you are playing early on. They should be extremely tight in DYMs as you should not be looking to 'splash around' to get chips to build a stack to go deep with (according to popular DYM strategy anyway, after all there is no 'deep' in DYMs).
Maybe play flush draws less agressively. To give a classic example you hold AKs and flop nfd + 2 overcards. In an MTT you maybe willing to c/r all-in here regardless of how much fold equity you think you have as you figure to be 50% anyway. However, in DYMs I do think you should play these draws more passively especially if you're pretty confident your opponent will snap you off with any top pair.
Finally and I think this could be by far the biggest due to it's being right at the very business end. Have a look at your ranges for calling all-ins at the end of DYMs. Imo this should be far tighter than your calling ranges in MTTs. This is because (as I have just stated in another thread) there is no 'future' in DYMs, if you call all-in the game is often over at the conclusion of the hand. So while it's a fine call with 9-9 for 15 BBs at the end of an MTT when your opponents range is full of rag aces (where you''ll be 70% favourite), what that means in a DYM is you will voluntarily put yourself in a position where you are guaranteed to lose 3/10 times. Now this may also be fine in a DYM but I think it very rarely is tbh. To make that decision you need to ask yourself, "if I fold here, will I cash in this DYM more than or less than 3 times in 10?
thanks for all the advice, i have played 2 dym's and cashed in both recently, i'm gonna take this advice on board and see how it goes, as some of you said i need seriously tighten up in the dyms as i think i must have become too loose which is not the way to play them (as i have been finding out!!!) lol
thanks again all
I like your posts sir keep them coming please