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Ok just wanting advice that many people ask me. I have an ok record in rebuy tournaments, however as a player i refuse to rebuy in them.
So my question is and one i get asked all the time, how do you recommend playing the re-buy period of an mtt?
Secondly is it ever worthwhile using the add-on at the break?
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I don't think it is a case of you must do this or you must not do that, it's a case of each to their own, this is just the way i choose to do it.
My preference is to re-buy early, as soon as somebody else at my table either re-buys or wins a big pot and has at least 25% more chips than me. The add-on is nearly always worth taking unless you are chip leader by a long way. Don't do what you see some crazy players doing, ie go on tilt and make multiple single rebuys towards the end of the first hour when it only buys say 2BB each time, an early re-buy is much more valuable. If I bust out and decide to re-buy I always make it a double rebuy.
The low stakes rebuy tournaments on Sky are soft because there are relatively few players who know how to play them properly, stray to other sites and you will similar events much tougher.
always addon
so if the BI is 2.20 then you should really be seeing it as a 6.60
and realise that in rebuys, especially on the bigger sites, the strategy is to get a stack in super light so you have a very big stack after the addon period. when i play some of the big GTDs that are 2.20/3.30/5.50 I always budget for at least 6 rebuys.