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Value betting top pair and strongish kicker
I played a hand where i had kq on the button. I called and then then small blind raised 3/4X. I called everyone else folded.
THe flop comes down
4 8 K (all different suits)
He bets half pot into me, I call
Turn comes a 2
He bets again into me this time pot size (I call, a little worried about my kicker) I decide to call.
The river is 2 again
He then checks to me on the river... now I think im good, but cos of the re-raise preflop I still unsure i think he might have ak so I elect to check
He turns over K10. I win the pot.
Here is my question.. in this situation is it too risky to value bet the river, or should i have put in a half size bet..
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