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been done twice with a/k and a/j ,player in b/blind would not let his blind go with my 4 times raise yet they had 9/2 - k/2 respestive 4 handed top 3 three paid, and amazing ( not ) 2/2x hit flop, sorry this is really xxxx me off
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We raise 4 x BB to push out the rag hands. But if people aren't goint to fold their junk hands @ 4 x BB why bother? Keep the bet size at something you can control. Plus you have the added benefit of keeping in the hands your dominating.
The other evening on the 2p/4p cash tables I joined a table and the first 10 or so hands out of about 15 I had some great cards. Of course I raised pre-flop everytime and eventually started getting more and more callers. Eventually my pair of aces got busted with somebody playing 7 5 off suit who hit two pairs.
Later on when you think about it, they probably thought I was just playing loose and had nothing after seeing me raising 70% of my cards pre-flop.