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Well it was Tikay! - Who had the better odds
Not too good with odds but who did pre flop?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebettypoox2Small blind 200.00200.0016232.50BoxsterBig blind 400.00600.003667.50 Your hole cards55 ratbagFold tikay1Raise 1600.002200.007087.00messy7014Fold mmmchipsFold bettypoox2Fold BoxsterRaise 2400.004600.001267.50tikay1All-in 7087.0011687.000.00BoxsterAll-in 1267.5012954.500.00tikay1Unmatched bet 4619.508335.004619.50BoxsterShow55 tikay1ShowKA Flop 7KJ Turn 4 River 10 tikay1WinPair of Kings8335.00 12954.50
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