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Hi all - please see the below hand where one of the players strongly accused me of slow rolling and basically said it was 'Disgusting'. We kissed and made up later but the discussion kept on. As you will see I had AA in the big blind, the button on a short stack raised and the small blind raised all - in. I let the timer go right to the end before calling. The original raiser folded.
My argument was that I was trying to draw the small stack in, her believing I wasn't that strong. If the original raiser was stacked up then I would have gone all - in quickly to try and isolate. The argument against was that the short stack was so short that they were going to call no matter what but I don't accept that as they still had plenty of play.
Now I've always been polite and tried to play a fair game so I was upset to be accused of this. If I'm wrong let me know but I did it for a reason not for a laugh.
r Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
Pokernice Small blind 30.00 30.00 2340.00
kalooki8 Big blind 60.00 90.00 6752.50
Your hole cards
pdavo100 Fold
dave_n12 Fold
mmmchips Fold
tiggerace7 Raise 120.00 210.00 1217.50
Pokernice All-in 2340.00 2550.00 0.00
kalooki8 Call 2310.00 4860.00 4442.50
tiggerace7 Fold
Pokernice Show
kalooki8 Show
0 ·
The shortstack should call anyway, for the price, and they were the original raiser. But they COULD fold.
Therefore, Its defo NOT a slowroll because of the shortstack in the pot, but i dont get the point of waiting, just call as quick as you normally would imo. I dont think you are more likely to get a caller if you let the timer bar go down. jmo.