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Playing cash earlier and was dealt pocket aa 3 hands in a row, and then a 4th time in 5 hands at the same table!
What are the odds Meredonk?
Hand History #341831302 (09:32 15/02/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind £0.10£0.10£30.81BIGSHANNBig blind £0.20£0.30£19.60 Your hole cardsAA Fold Fold Call £0.20£0.50£12.96 Fold Call £0.10£0.60£30.71BIGSHANNRaise £1.00£1.60£18.60 Fold Fold BIGSHANNMuck BIGSHANNWin £0.60 £19.20BIGSHANNReturn £1.00£0.00£20.20
Hand History #341831334 (09:33 15/02/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBIGSHANNSmall blind £0.10£0.10£20.10 Big blind £0.20£0.30£37.05 Your hole cardsAA Call £0.20£0.50£19.26 Call £0.20£0.70£12.76 Fold Fold BIGSHANNRaise £1.60£2.30£18.50 Fold Fold Call £1.50£3.80£11.26Flop 5210 BIGSHANNBet £3.80£7.60£14.70 All-in £11.26£18.86£0.00BIGSHANNCall £7.46£26.32£7.24BIGSHANNShowAA<td class="hhamt" style="padding-top:7px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:7px;padding-left:5px;color:#666666;font-weight:normal;vertical-align:middle;font-family:verdana;text-align:right !important;font-size:0.9em;border-width:1px;border-color:#badffd;border-style:solid;ma
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If you're asking the probability of getting AA and then AA again in the next two hands that are about to be dealt then you just multiply the probabilities together - so 1 in 48841 (or 221x221x221 for the next three hands, etc..etc).