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1st post-was i right to fold?
i'm new to sky poker but have been watching the channel for a while now. i've got a hand that i would appreciate some analysis on. hand number: 342909530. i've put hand in below, hopefully the way it should be put in to a post.
paultimeSmall blind £0.05£0.05£8.53bluffu328Big blind £0.10£0.15£20.92 Your hole cardsQQ ken1955Call £0.10£0.25£3.90win_avtarRaise £0.40£0.65£11.04StevieT202Fold paultimeFold bluffu328Call £0.30£0.95£20.62ken1955Call £0.30£1.25£3.60Flop 946 bluffu328Check ken1955Check win_avtarBet £0.80£2.05£10.24bluffu328Raise £1.60£3.65£19.02ken1955Fold win_avtarCall £0.80£4.45£9.44Turn 4 bluffu328Check win_avtarCheck River A bluffu328Bet £4.45£8.90£14.57win_avtarFold bluffu328Muck bluffu328Win £4.11 £18.68
i played hand badly in my opinion. pre flop raise by me was standard, but could have been more given that bluffu328 and ken1955 were doing a lot of calling.
on flop was pretty sure i had best hand so bet again maybe should have been bigger. when min raise came from bluffu i suspected he had pair of 9s. but i made mistake of only calling. i guess he could have had trips.
on river he bet pot, now i'm thinkin 2 pair aces and nines. the reason i think he has a hand is because of a previous hand we had he put in a similar size bet with 2 pair.
your guys opinions on how i should have played this hand and whether the fold was correct would be appreciated.
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re-raise flop imo its a click raise from opponent which is usually an indication that your beat at these levels but people do get attached to TPTK so A9 is likley.
I would certainly be betting the turn.
As played you have to fold river imo.
I rekon opponent two paired on the river with A9 and youd have lost more getting it in on the flop, but that doesnt mean to say its not the correct play.
On turn after he checks why do you just check, what are you scared of ?
If I was playing it I would never get to the river but anyway when he pot bets like that after being fairly weak throughout (apart from awful minraise on flop) it probably means he has the Ace but again you should NOT let the hand get to this point. Bet BIG to price them out.