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top pair top kicker big river decision
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelaura-aSmall blind £0.25£0.25£11.10TheBBig blind £0.50£0.75£70.87 Your hole cardsAK El_BaroneFold huuuuumeRaise £1.50£2.25£61.50igor1966Fold critchel02Call £1.50£3.75£14.07laura-aFold TheBCall £1.00£4.75£69.87Flop K8Q TheBBet £3.00£7.75£66.87huuuuumeCall £3.00£10.75£58.50critchel02Fold Turn 3 TheBCheck huuuuumeBet £6.50£17.25£52.00TheBRaise £13.00£30.25£53.87huuuuumeCall £6.50£36.75£45.50River 10 TheBAll-in £53.87£90.62£0.00huuuuumeFold TheBMuck TheBWin £34.95 £34.95TheBReturn £53.87£1.80£88.82
not familiar with opponent at all but the orbit before he limped his button with 76 offsuit. has defended everytime i have raised his bb. he also opens to 6x preflop every time he raises the pot.
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did i play it ok?
In the heat of battle I'd have probably called him and seen him flip over KQ.
i tanked all the way and wanted to make the call so bad.
only folded cos none of it made sense and i have no idea who he is