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Asked a question, got my answer, but still couldn't fold?!?!
Here's my thinking, opponant raised UTG, I flat as there's not many flops I'm going to like here in this position. When it eventually comes a flop I do like, I check to the raiser and let him C-bet, standard. I asked the question, 'how good are my 8s?' by reraising, to which I get a min re-raise. I don't know what this min re-raise is, so I flatted here too, £3.50 into £18.
The turn comes another blank, and my opponant thought for some time (or was busy) and half-potted it. To me it just felt like he was reluctant to put anymore in but had to follow-through with the re-raise on the flop. So in goes the money and the rest, well, the rest was me kicking myself.
My questions are,
Was I right to flat call pre?
Was I right to ask the question on the flop by re-raising?
Should I have folded to the min re-raise?
Is he doing this min re-raise with anything I am beating?
Where is my fold button?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejamielouSmall blind £0.25£0.25£48.70BA14Big blind £0.50£0.75£30.86 Your hole cards88 riveratbagRaise £1.50£2.25£32.48tappazukiFold remymannFold Pillsy19Fold jamielouCall £1.25£3.50£47.45BA14Fold Flop 242 jamielouCheck riveratbagBet £1.75£5.25£30.73jamielouRaise £5.25£10.50£42.20riveratbagRaise £7.00£17.50£23.73jamielouCall £3.50£21.00£38.70Turn 7 jamielouCheck riveratbagBet £10.50£31.50£13.23jamielouAll-in £38.70£70.20£0.00riveratbagAll-in £13.23£83.43£0.00jamielouUnmatched bet £14.97£68.46£14.97jamielouShow88 riveratbagShowJJ River 6 riveratbagWinTwo Pairs, Jacks and 2s£66.66 £66.66
Thank you
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I would just flat the flop, control the size of the pot and keep in hands that you are beating. The problem with raising is once he clicks it back at you, there is not much you are beating that he does that with, and it puts you in a horrible position. I don't mind flatting it because he makes it so cheap, but once he half pots the turn you have to fold.
You say his bet on the turn looked weak, but I would have thought the opposite. He's sitting with 20 odd quid left and he bets half of it...never folding imo.
Wacko - really liked what you said about committing most of my stack on one pair, that's a good way of looking at it.
I need to get out of the habit of being "hopeful" and start being realistic, what was I actually beating? A pair of 7s and a bluff, so why risk my stack for that, FOLD IT and find a better spot!
I asked the question and got the answer I was looking for, but with the flop looking so pretty I still couldnt fold, I need to get past this and fold when I am 99% certain I am beat, despite the flop being how I'd like it! I might have had a pair of 8s on a 4 high flop, golden, but with the way the hand played realistically, I wasnt beating much.
Thanks very much,
If I flat the flop, what if the turn comes something ugly and I've given him the chance to hit that?
If I ask the question on the flop, am I not getting rid of those, AK, AQ, AJ hands? That was my plan...
With the min re-raise on the flop I felt I couldnt fold there for what it was worth, had he put a bigger re-raise in I think I couldve gotten away from it.
So with the min re-raise, should I just flat and see if he slows down on the turn, if he doesnt, then fold, rather than him half-potting the turn and me jamming it in?
As played, fold to his flop 3bet. You're nearly always behind and aren't getting the implied odds to try to spike an 8 on the turn.
YB and Clio pretty much covered your questions. I'll add that if you flat the flop and say an Ace comes on the turn, which is in his range, then you can fold if he puts in a second barrell. Of course a thinking player will know that and probably put the bet in regardless...but that's the kind of thinking you'll need to do
Also, someone said you have to fold to the 3 bet on the flop. I actually don't mind flatting it and seeing what he does from there. If he slows down then great, if he doesn't then fold.