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I,ve heard this phrase mentioned a few times in last cpl of weeks, but still not sure what it is
I,m guessing its someone who joins a game with a short-stack with maybe just a view to doubling up by playing premium hands only hoping ppl will play wider as they are not as afraid going all in as someone with a full-stack
Would this be correct or is there more to it?
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My view is that if people want to play this way then fair enough it is their money and they can do what they like with it.However you will find that a lot of players detest this way of playing and give them some verbals in the chat box.
The way i look at it if you have a winning hand you want to get paid as much as possible on it and you certainly cant do that playing short,however each to their own.
Posted by Spikelad
I agree - I,ve just never heard the saying until recently on ch865 where its been mentioned twice in recent days
i thought this was some sort of new phad that was goin round
cheers guys
Posted by MP33
i used to do it when i first went to cash from MTT's. This allowed me to play solely pre and flop. Only when Dohhhhh said i was scrum (remove r lol ) for shorting NL4 did i change
Actualy statements stated here may not be true, however i know the opinion would be there lol.
In honesty I did it for that reason, However i got no value, what i done was doubled ran sat down doubled ran. Obviously there was days i was on heaters and eventually id go through all the tables in a half hour period and have a total profit of £8, Thats when i realised i needed max value.