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Sunday Night Open with DP and Ed
Hi guys
Dp and Ed are presenting there last Sunday night Open for a while, so if you have any question for them or hand you want played then post them on this thread and we will try our best to get them all read out.
Good luck at the tables
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can you show the hand i just posted on the play my hand request part of the forum or is it too late?
if you can show this hand then great if not no worries hand no is 190749612
this is from the 1st monthly league stars freeroll got in last went out 1st what a weekend i've had twice i've been called when way ahead after turn twice rivered so when u see this hand i tried my luck at it & failed which confirmed to me proper poker is best went staight to 1250BH sat & got through to main event at 9-30pm playing proper poker so i've learnt a very good lesson this weekend
ps have moved hand to league stars thread where it belongs cheers
hi ED & DP thanks for showing 1 of my hands alas tho it was not the hand i requested please see earlier post on this thread re the hand you did show i totally agree with ED no problem i will post hand below as it must have been a mix up in the hand mumbers
the hand is from the 1st monthly league stars freeroll tonite got in last went out 1st what a weekend i've had twice i've been called when way ahead after turn twice rivered so when u see this hand i tried my luck at it & failed which confirmed to me proper poker is best went staight to 1250BH sat & got through to main event at 9-30pm playing proper poker so i've learnt a very good lesson this weekend
cheers dtw
hiya m8 i still don't fully understand what UTG is all i know is its under the gun but as to what it means on the table i've no idea as for calling with 4c7c pre flop everyone has favourite hands and so far i've noticed a lot of people will raise 5x BB on 1st hand of a tourney with an A or pair 47 has been lucky for me in the past at starts b4 so i called am still learning every day m8
Why you calling with 7 4s UTG?
Hope that makes sense
yep it sure does can i copy it and put it in me diary as its a very good explanation
nice 1 elsa
cheers for that mere
Under The Gun.
An explanation has been made by others, but let's enlarge it a little, because it relates to "POSITION", which is, arguably, THE most important skill in poker. If you don't understand POSITION, you will be a losing player - always.
UTG is the WORST position from which to play a hand, especially if there has been pre-flop betting action & the Blinds have not taken up their option to Call.
So we never play marginals from that position. 4-4, A-9, QJ, these are all hands we insta-muck UTG, but, if there is no significant action, we would raise with in the Cut-Off (one seat before the Button) or Button.
It's also sheer lunacy to try & steal from UTG.
Threse comments are more elevant to a 10 seater than a 6 seater, but nevertheless, it applies to all poker, Live & Online, right across the world. It will never be different.
It can be used as Reverse Position though. If there is an Aggro player in late position, serial-raising, we can limp UTG with monsters, await the inevitable Raise, then go over the top. however, if no Raise mateialises, & we now find ourselves in a Family Pot with a Monster, so we are usually done with the hand, but VERY FEW Players are good enough to get off hands like A-A. . (A-A v, say, 6 Random Hands is rarely more than a 30% favouritr to win - or, put another way, the A-A is 70% likely to lose).