Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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Obsreve how the wiley Nutter sets his trap and watch the donkey walk straight into it (cash bubble of a £2.20 deepstack).
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceoynutterSmall blind 600.00600.0030045.00DarntootinBig blind 1200.001800.0012460.00 Your hole cardsJQ SAMMYG57Fold tiggerace7Fold sedgy123Fold grannie196Fold oynutterRaise 1800.003600.0028245.00DarntootinCall 1200.004800.0011260.00Flop 729 oynutterCheck DarntootinCheck Turn Q oynutterBet 3600.008400.0024645.00DarntootinAll-in 11260.0019660.000.00oynutterCall 7660.0027320.0016985.00oynutterShowKK DarntootinShowJQ River A oynutterWinPair of Kings27320.00 44305.00
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Another lol to Dohhhhhh, you had pulled off that move once too often m8, I just knew you'd jam with air if I did that, but fair play to ya, you were the only one I would call without an ace--lol
ps. I think the min raise against one opponent is fine in that spot, what gets on my wick is the loads of times you see a min raise from the bb when the whole table has limped, and the blinds are 10/20, most times it's a silly hand like J-10
I bag of sugar= I bottle of 55% rocket science--lol
What a good idea for a thread, every time someone loses a hand, post a thread, it's not every day very good players like you lose a hand, and it's a great help to us lesser players to be informed of this, we are learning all the time thanks to posts like yours.
Kindest regards
By the way when's your birthday? I will get you a sense of humour.
What is his problem?
All he does is moan!