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From tonights £6k Open. Words fail me here and the downswing continues but hey onwwards and upwards.
(20:27 05/03/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAMBER58Small blind 20.0020.003998.75Damo_666Big blind 40.0060.001800.00 Your hole cardsAA subzero120Raise 80.00140.005498.75goldtop1Raise 120.00260.001743.75FILIPSEBORaise 520.00780.001162.50blkjackFold AMBER58Fold Damo_666Fold subzero120Call 440.001220.005058.75goldtop1All-in 1743.752963.750.00FILIPSEBOAll-in 1162.504126.250.00subzero120Call 1343.755470.003715.00subzero120Show38 goldtop1ShowQQ FILIPSEBOShowAA Flop 910J Turn 7 River 3 subzero120WinStraight to the Jack5470.00 9185.00
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